An Egyptian man was kidnapped for 16 hours after a picture of his manhood was sent to his entire family by his English girlfriend via facebook

The picture had been spitefully sent via facebook following a row he had with the girl, who we can’t name under instructions from the source of our story.

It emerged the 24 year old Muslim had been dating the Christian girl, despite having a beautiful Egyptian fiancée with whom he planned to marry.  24 year old Amsu Chigam was held hostage by two of his cousins when it came to light that the picture and the cheating came to their attention.

British born Amsu had been dating the girl for 11 months, but traveled to Egypt to attend a family wedding there. He told his girlfriend  in London he would be back after a week, and they stayed in contact on phone. However, after continuous excuses justifying the delay in is return, she grew suspicious and launched an outburst of foul mouths tirades on him. Thereafter, he refused to answer her calls, and appeared to have blocked her. However, the determined girl was bent on ascertaining his whereabouts that she researched his family  on facebook and managed to track down his sister and mother. She sent messages to both of them asking where Amsu was, despite never having been introduced to them before.

Muslim families in Egypt and many Muslim families have strict policies against marrying outside the religion, though not all families strictly adopt this perspective. However, Amsu eventually unblocked the girl and called her asking ” are you crazy, how dare you call my family, are you alright”? He then dropped the phone on her. The livid girl then went into her mobile records to fetch a full body naked picture of Amsu in which he had an erection, and circulated to his family members on facebook out of anger before sending a message to him that read ” you wanna see crazy”? ”You are crazy, hope your family congratulate you for being a big boy”.

Family members went mad following the revelation, prompting two of his finance’s cousins to hold him hostage in Cairo,  after tricking him to ‘come for a ride’ some two days after they discovered news of the cheating.

A friend of Amsu who introduced him to the English girl told the eye of ” the entire family was livid, the girl crossed the line with the pictures, but that’s women for you, isn’t it? Ignore their emotions and you may pay a high price for it”.  Police from the Matter police station were called in after a missing persons call went out, but eventually found Amsu well and alive.

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