Our Policies
The Eye Of Media.Com is committed to honest and complete journalism, reporting as accurately as possibly, and investigating important truths were necessary, in order to give the British public the most reliable information possible.
Our readers can trust us to verify the facts underlying any story we publish , and to apply appropriate checks and balances to ensure fair and honest reporting as much as lies in power.
We abide by the Codes Of Conduct set out by the Indepedent Press Organisation(Ipso) and adhere to the fundamental principles of the National Union Of Journalists (NUJ,).
We hold ourselves to the standards we set, and are always open to the scrutiny and recommendation for progressive change on any matters demonstrated to be necessary and productive, in the public interest.
Every individual who contributes to this site has bee referred to Ipso’s Codes Of Conduct to understand its fundamental principles and is further assessed on its contents to ensure a thorough grasp of the standards expected of them.
We ensure high and accurate standards of reporting and examine sources of news stories before publication. It is our policy never to compromise truth for the sake of favour, allegiance, or conformity.
Perceptions of truth sometimes vary in interpretation, but truth is autonomous of opinion and can be established based on facts and extrapolations from known facts, assessed in accurate context of any matter in question. Its absolutely subjective expression must always be based on an honestly held view based on all the available facts.
We have an absolute zero tolerance to deliberate or reckless misrepresentation of facts when reporting news. Our duty and obligation to our readers is to be deliver impeccable standards of complete information.
Many of our writers at times occasionally liaise with other journalists outside this publication including free lancers across a relatively narrow spectrum of the news network, in order to report some of the most important and interesting news happening in the Uk and other parts of the world.
We also obtain news through the close contacts of members of this team, as well as an external thinktank with whom we periodically collaborate in identifying useful societal issues for examination. They include education institutions and academics.
We carefully consider all topics raised or proposed for publication, and will report or explore them where there is a public interest, provided the veracity of the story can be ascertained .
We seek to be one of the world’s best when it comes to reporting unbiased news, and endeavour to consider every angle of each news story we publish to ensure you our readers are getting the most competent report of each story.
This means we are always open to a contrary perspective of a story published where its content are neither defamatory nor outrageous, and any statements of facts contained in it can be shown to be true.
Unbiased news stories must always be presented factually, without any unmerited spin towards a political stance or to benefit the owners of the news outlet .
Complaints Proceedure
We ask for any complaints to against any persons or articles to be put in writing and send to info@theeyeofmedia. com. We will seek to thoroughly address any complaints within 7-14 days of its receipt, and make amends where shown to be necessary.