Inspiring The Media To Nurture Society Through Accountability
The Eye Of Media.Com has as its primary aim, the contribution to the nurturing of society , using our platform in collaboration with social media and some other news outlets, as a vehicle to spread complete news, as well as provide an insightful analysis and perspective of some important topics.

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The mainstream media traditionally reports news in a descriptive way, except for Op-ed articles, where the columnist presents their subjective outllok on a given news topic.
We encourage our writers and contributors to reflect an instructive position on news topics where it is more profitable to influence their readership, than it is to merely report the facts of a news story.
There are times where the four W’s, where, What, When and Why, suffices for the coverage of a story. In many other cases, we adjudge it preferable for the well reasoned opinion and influence of the writer to be reflected in their piece.
The mainstream press often report purely descriptively since that is the conventional style of news reporting. However, the media industry has been evolving for decades, and there is no obligation on reporters to rigidly stick to any particular method of writing.
Most journalists are inevitably bound by the methods and structure of the publications they work for, but innovation has become a necessary and inevitable part of most professions, journalism being no exception.
Hard news can be reported in the conventional style, with the necessary and objective influence of the writer on particular stories where it is deemed to be beneficial to the consumption and mental growth of their readership.
We also liaise with international media who want to have access to alternative perspective of news abroad, where they may be unsure of what they read in the mainstream media.
This includes the Indian Times, The Nigerian Vanguard, The Nigerian premium Times, The Zimbabwe Herald, The Sydney Morning Herald, CNN, Los Angelis Times and The Ghanian Times.
We already deal with many of these publications in relation to research, photo agreements, and inside access to useful information in the country where international coverage is in public interest.
Quality Information
Through networking , and its associated objective of spreading fair and accurate news and analysis, we seek to provide readers with the best possible quality information we have on each news topic we cover. On certain important topics, we will internally examine critical issues that arise, and involve a bespoke team of professionals -constituting our ThinkTank, who come from different professions and backgrounds.
Most of them are drawn from other professions, though some are from within this organisation.
Those professions from which other partners to this organisation come include lawyers, nurses and retired nurses, mental health experts, professionals working with addiction groups, lecturers, teachers, social workers, and the police.
We have at least two people from each of the aforementioned professions who behind the scenes are committed to contributing their views on some pressing matters in society, in aid of shaping the final product of information we publish.
The views of external professionals partnering with this publication will be featured in certain stories.
In other cases, valued views will be reflected in the perspective of the writer. Every writer or journalist whose work is published will always have had a final say on how they present a critical article , even where there was editorial or external influence in some of the thinking.
Our lasting goal is to reflect as balanced a view as possible on any given issue, though there will be topics that will take purely an editorial view.
Individual writers who present any topic to the public that presents a summary viewpoint, will be presenting their own views and take on the matter, even where they may have adopted some of their viewpoints from a range of ideas from other members of the team.
Legitimate Criticism
We are convinced that legitimate criticism and the making of valuable recommendations are important to the adequate development of both society and the media.
Individuals And Organisations On The Spot
In light of this, we will sometimes put individuals or organisations on the spot, when we deem this the right and proper thing to do, given available facts. Our conclusive stance based on facts will always be defensible, but matters of opinion will inevitably be subjective.
Unprofessional conduct or corruption detected in any facet of the media or other organisations will be pointed out with the hope of ultimately achieving reflection and future change.
We have at times encountered supposed leading professionals, both in the media and press offices instituted to address press inquiries, drop the phone when questions get too uncomfortable for them. More of such individuals are expected to surface from time to time in the future and will be addressed each time.
Individuals who drop the phone on anybody, let alone the media during a professional call, expose their own lack of professional substance at the core.
The requisite skill and temperance to fulfil their post competently are shown to be lacking, thereby calling for an appropriate level of reprimand, whilst simultaneously examining their suitability for the post they occupy.
The idea is to inspire adequate training by media bosses to their staff atop invaluable motivation to members of the public on the many competing and important issues of life. Raising the competence level of professionals in the emdia is important for not jsut their own development, but that of the public.
Competence is relative and absolute in the sense that an individual who demonstrates capability in fulfilling some aspects of a post, may be inept when it comes to other key aspects that also form the job description of the post.
Individuals who reflect worrying levels of ineptitude through wrong conduct with the press should be exposed, and the standard of training provided by their employer examined, duly tested.
Scrutinising the objectivity and competence of the media and of organisations is the most effective way of enhancing its standards and improving societal values, where it is demonstrably necessary to do so.
Our appraisals will not always be confined to a principle of vicarious liability, where only the organisation takes the rap for either deliberate erroneous information published in the press, or the display of inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour.
The offending individuals will also be held accountable for their conduct, more so, when they are acting on behalf of a wider organisation that deals with the public or the pre
Stimulating The Media
We are driven to play our role in stimulating the media to be a beacon of light to society. Through the positive influence of effective scrutiny and review, the integrity widely perceived to be lacking in the mainstream media can eventually be restored .
The lack of proper accountability and true objectivity, leads to compromised standards which on aggregate becomes detrimental both to the media and to society.
Research shows that a large section of the British public do not trust the integrity of the press, a state of affair that needs urgent redressal.
Importance Of The Media
The media plays a very important role in disseminating news and holding powerful people, including the government to account. In its global might, it also presents a shining torch to individuals who may abuse their power, and in the process sets standards which can help all of society collectively evolve into more mature beings.
Media scrutiny also helps achieve some measure of deterrence against deplorable conduct that constitute much of the malady of society.
However, the media itself needs to be held to account, to guarantee the promotion of integrity and honesty , and also preserve the intrinsic quality of credibility expected of every media organisation.
Like all industries, the media is imperfect and comprises of some individuals who may sometimes have ulterior motives for presenting a skewed view of the truth in particular instances.
Sheer negligence may also be a prevailing factor for erroneous or discreditable journalism in some cases. The cynical views that abound about the media can only be addressed through an overhaul of some of its vetting processes.
The kind of journalists media houses employ, and the philosophy and integrity of respective editors is crucial, and we will sometimes test the credibility of both, whenever a thorough examination of given articles published in the press reveal what we adjudge to amount to corruption, bias, or both.
When no satisfactory reason can be provided for such false information, we will expose the organisation in question, and refer then to Independent Press Regulator (IPSO), while keeping a close eye on Ipso’s on proceed
We believe fair and irrefutable criticism of the press can serve as an effective deterrent for media outlets to train their staff to be honest and factual, and also help editors provide efficient oversight for their publication.
We will also often refer media outlets that publish false information to the Independent Press Regulation Authority, whilst also keeping a close eye on their process of scrutiny.
All our examinations are thorough and double and tripple checked for possible flaws before they are published. The range of intelligent views on serious topics we cover, ensures the highest level of validity and credibility to the final position we employ, since we end up with a wide pool of ideas before an editorial take is made on serious issues.
Focused And Expert Approach
Our advantage is our focused and expert approach to various topics, which will often involve wide consultations with professionals, including some from the mainstream media, and the associated close assessments, particularly 0n delicate topics.
This gives us an edge against the mainstream media in terms of the level of accuracy and objectivity that accompany our stories.
This is because they mainstream media is often under pressure to churn out copious news articles to fill the inevitable demand for news.
We will sometimes revisit old news where thorough investigation calls for fresh information or analysis to be at the public domain.
We will publish a monthly message to the media, highlighting recommendations for the overall progress of the media, after reflecting on the months news and events, as we make important observations every month in relation to certain media outlets, where an irrefutable level of unprofessionalism has occurred, or where unbalanced or biased news has been published.
The duty will be on us as a team to demonstrate media bias or incompetence, whenever it is found, and we will always do an exemplary job in making our case in an incontrovertible fashion.