By Charlotte Webster
With the easter period round the corner, it is time to remind readers to be wise on their diet.
Many will be given easter eggs as gifts, but these chocolates are filled with an excessive amount of fat that is very bad for the body and the skin. Chocolates are for kids, and even kids should really stay away from chocolates because it can affect the way they develop physically.
Some children with fast metabolism may shake off fatty foods quicker than others but they still become used to the bad habit and develop a taste for sugary foods. The situation is worse for adults, as the more fatty layers you store i your body, the worse it is for your skin. Most of us indulge over the easter and Christmas period, a lot more than usual.
![easter eggs](
Heavy drinking is an endemic aspect of British social culture, but most revelers never consider the huge amount of calories in alcohol, especially beer. Even our darling white and red wine has a lot of calories, which is why health conscious individuals should drink responsibly over the holidays, despite others around us who may be drinking without restraint.
Individuality is one of the key defining characteristics of a quality human being. None of us wants to fall out of place when in a social gathering, however it pays to remember that we are all unique beings with distinct DNA’s. We must stay loyal to our convictions and even delight in influencing those around us. Positive influence is a quality to relish. Easter eggs are a sweet gift to give, however they should be put into perspective. The thought counts, but the product is not good. It is better to give an easter egg than to eat one you are given.
We should also drink plenty of water right through the day, and avoid fizzy drinks that are loaded with sugar. Sugar is a poison, and this is a fact we must never ignore. Supermarkets sell sugar and fatty foods only because they know there are many of you who will purchase it, despite it being immeasurably bad for your body and mind. Business men and women are not interested in your mental and physical well being, they are only interested in your money. And why should they be interested in anything else about you, when they don’t know you? It is your responsibility to look after your wellbeing, and their responsibility to provide those goods you are willing to pay for.
The receiver will appreciate the chocolate egg and enjoy the taste if they are not health conscious. The will inevitably add layers of fat to their skin and body, which is an implicit result of their choice, for which you cannot be blamed and should not feel guilty of. However, for the health conscious individual, vegetables, salad, fish, roast chicken without the skin, a small amount of brown rice, and other miscellaneous healthy foods is all that should pass our lips.
The temptation to eat anything that tastes good will always be there, but it is worth remembering that discipline and sacrifice are incredible qualities to have. We must avoid anything we know is not good for our body. It is for our own good.