The psychological Way to Beat unhealthy eating

The psychological Way to Beat unhealthy eating

By Charlotte Webster

The psychological way to beat unhealthy eating starts with visualizing. We know that  there are foods that are healthy and foods that are unhealthy.

We also know that a lot of unhealthy foods taste nice,often because of the sweetening ingredients in such foods.

However, visualizing the harmful effects of certain foods before succumbing to the enticement of its packaging or the memory of its good taste, can be a powerful way of disciplining yourself to eating correctly.

Scientific evidence is in abundance  that
you are what you eat, yet the convenience of indulging and even overindulging, is often hard  to resist.

It seems much of a sacrifice, but psychological processes are all about practice. Every time you are tempted to eat a pie, just picture a load of fatty poo soaked in lots of batter, then mixed with tasty chicken.

Every time you are drawn to the oily chicken and chips shop, just picture a sea of fat soaked in oil and used to flavor your meal.

All because the suppliers know your immediate need to satisfy your hunger will be prioritized over the greater need to eat healthy, he serves you.

More importantly, he or she is most concerned about your money, not your
well being. Bad eating ages the skin gradually and notably, even if the signs are not immediately apparent.

The signs are more pronounced in individuals over 30,  and vary depending on your genetic composition. Not everyone who eats unhealthily will be fat, but all regular unhealthy eaters will age much faster than otherwise, wrinkle the skin quicker, and overwhelm the neck, face and head with more fat than necessary.

Even for youngsters in their teens or twenties, the process of aging and skin degeneration begins to build up with bad eating. It is also worth knowing that nobody who eats unhealthily ever looks their best, or even close.

An unhealthy eater who is relatively attractive, would look so much better if they ate healthily. Always remember that self discipline has much value and in fact is priceless.

Rather than combat any form of depression with eating, counteract it instead with good music, less eating, good exercise, and meditating. Thinking, constructive planning, good company, are all better substitutes for
binge eating.

Always feel privileged and appreciative of good eating habits, as having a lifestyle advantage over others without the discipline of healthy eating.

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