An award scheme that rewards caterers for encouraging customers about healthy choices has been announced by East Northants Council.

The scheme which was launched about a year ago is a very positive move that should be emulated in all parts of the country, because what we consume goes a long way in determining how we look and think.The eat well, eat out scheme runs a scoring system that takes into account healthy food options offered to customers. Good score ratings will include healthy meals that include vegetables, fish, grilled rather than fried foods, and minimal salt and sugar.

 Restaurants these days are full of appetizing meals which attend warmly to our taste buds,  but do a disservice to our bodies. Giving the need to let our hair down every so often, we conveniently bow to societal pressure to conform and be exactly like everyone else. The twin qualities of originality and individuality has long been displaced by the urge collectively placed on us to fit in perfectly with society, without much drive to join the team of standard setters.
The general resignation to echo popular sentiments like ‘you only live once’, or ‘if you always watch what you eat, you won’t eat anything’, should be resisted by all who wish be their healthiest, look their best, and have a full quality of life. Indeed, we all deserve the flexibility and freedom to eat what we like from time to time, but overindulging in junk food amounts to aiding the body to deteriorate faster than otherwise. The effects show on people at different stages of their lives, but it shows on everyone who forms the habit of careless eating.
People who eat an excessive amount of white rice, white bread, chips or fried food, will unfortunately age quicker than they should as the years go by. The worst thing is that not many of these people will make the connection between their unchecked eating habits and the deterioration of their skin, or excess fat on their body or parts of their body. Unfortunately, deterioration caused by careless living does not require or acknowledgement of its causes before it reflects its damaging effects in full.
Caterers and food businesses that encourage healthy eating to their customers are positive and valuable members of our society because they are playing an undervalued role in today’s society. Knowledgeable and disciplined people who know about nutrition and are practical individuals will appreciate this quality of this scheme. We all know we regularly should eat vegetables, fruits,  fish, a moderate quantity of brown rice, brown bread,  skinless chicken etc.
A balanced diet requires us to spread the food we eat over the week instead of eating the same food everyday.

Potatoes a very starchy with lots of carbohydrates, so should not be eaten in huge numbers or sizes because very starchy foods with plenty of Carbs creates a lot of fatty layers in the skin. Plenty of water at different times of the day is also advisable, and exercise three times a day on top of good feeding is the perfect match.

BY ERIC KING MP’s have backed a tax on sugary drinks as part of a bold measure to tackle child obesity in England. The Commons’ Health Committee said there was now “compelling evidence” a tax would reduce consumption. The report also endorses a complete crackdown on marketing and advertising of sugary …
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