Hungary is to follow UK, in holding a referendum this coming October.  October 2  has been set aside as the day for the Hungarian electorate to decide whether they consent to the settlement of none Hungarian citizens in the form of refugees, to settle in Hungary.

“Do you want the European Union to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of Parliament?”, is the question to be posed to the Hungarian public. If the public vote with a clear NO, Hungary will be the second country to leave the European union due to a referendum, and the gradual disintegration of the Europian Union will be in motion.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban – a staunch opponent of  immigration advocates, said earlier that a “no” vote would be “in favor of Hungary’s independence and rejecting the mandatory settlement plan”.

“We believe that only Hungarians, not Brussels, can decide who we want to live with in Hungary,” said Antal Rogan, head of the prime minister’s cabinet. The statement is a clear voice of defiance against the imposition of refugees  from Brussels on Hungary. A 50 % turn out is a vital requirement in Hungary, forthe referendum to be valid.

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However, a statement from Hungarys opposition Together party, read “is in fact Viktor Orban’s anti-European hate campaign, which is contrary to Hungarys interests”.

“Everyone should stay at home so we can stay in Europe,” said Socialist Party deputy chairman Zoltan Gogos. The Socialists see the referendum as the first stage of preparing to leave the EU.

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Hungary has already sued the EU at the European Court of Justice regarding an earlier plan to redistribute 120,000 asylum-seekers already in the bloc among its 28 countries.

Last year, close to 400,000 refugees and other migrants passed through Hungary The influx was restricted when string barriers were erected on its barriers. The issue of refugees has been a delicate issue for EU countries for a while now, with the crisis situation appreciated to be pretty high. Yet, many countries want the right to be able to control the number of refugees coming into their country, without EU officials dictating a quota to them. It eaves a messy situation because refugee circumstances strike at the heart of humanitarian issues that need to be attended to carefully, effectively and professionally. Yet, one can understand just why some countries may feel they don’t want to be forced into accepting a huge number of refugees to their shores

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