Enoch Powell’s Rivers Of Blood Airing Now Gets Racist Juices Flowing

Enoch Powell’s Rivers Of Blood Airing Now Gets Racist Juices Flowing

By Gabriel Princewill-

BBC Radio 4’s airing of Enoch Powell incendiary rivers of blood speech may have set racist juices going. Barely a couple of days had gone after the airing, before UKip leader of Wales, Neil Hamilton was confidently defending Powell’s speech and declaring Powell not a racist.

When it was put to Hamilton that Powell accepted he was a racist, Mr Hamilton suggested it was “racism in the sense of appreciating differences in cultures, and differences between nations, not that one race or nation is inferior to another by definition”. “He wasn’t a racist in the crude sense”, Mr Hamilton foolishly reasons. His comments are a daft expression of contradiction and fooloshness because differences in cultures do not call for repatriation.

Repatriation on the shallow grounds that cultures of the same type should congregate in isolation of other cultures implies racism by its very nature. Hamilton is no apologist, he holds racist views, but clearly believes they should be called another name, not racist.

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Now, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam has added to Hamilton’s rhetoric by announcng a new book defending and hailing former Parliament Enoch Powell.. The book includes an exclusive interview with Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who knew Powell very well said:

“Fifty years on from the most dramatic post-war speech in Britain, this updated view is a VERY important part of the continuing debate. Enoch never

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This might be the kind of intense controversy the programme might have been designed to have. If BBC Radio 4 wanted to cause a stir by airing the programme, they achieve that. The ratings speculation the broadcast would generate made sense in terms of numbers and money- and they hit bingo!

BBC Radio 4 have also explained that they wanted the programme to cause a reflection on how much Britain has moved on since the strong racist sentiments recklessly expressed by Powell.

The Eye Of Media.Com contacted BBC Radio 4 whether they had any comment about the UKip voices that had spoken up to support Powell since their broadcast of his rivers of blood speech. They declined to comment. The longer the show remains a talking point, the more successful BBC Radio 4 will consider the impact of the show.

Powell had support from his supporters in those days, but even 50 years ago, the media and parliamentary Mp’s knew Powell’s speech was very divisive. That’s why the then UK prime minister, Edward Heath, immediately dismissed him. He pointedly told Powell that his sppech was ”racialist and ”racist” :

“A great proportion of the white population of central London has moved out to the suburbs,” he said.

The mainstream British press should be applauded for their categorical denunciation of Powell’s venomous rhetoric.
Powell’s speech was a most reprehensible utterance of stupidity, characterized by selfishness, ignorance, and insensitivity to the feelings of the minority groups . Those who blindly adopt or emulate his cause, will only join the list of ignominious outcasts.


Disregard for the various reasons diverse cultures live together under a common law is a blissful ignorance every decent human being abhors. Differences in culture must never provides a basis for instituting a climate of racial subjugation.
Amol Rajan’s radio 4 programme on Saturday was a reminder that Powell’s toxic and vexatious prediction of racial bloodshed five decades after his infamous and reprehensible speech was wrong. London is richly multicultural, and although racism can never be completely eradicated in Britain, Britain is one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Those who share the sentiments expressed by Powell or his supporters are in the minority, and so insignificant that they can be disregarded as individuals with debased characters. However, if they feel there is a real debate to be had in 2018, they are even more ridiculous than Powell himself was 50 years ago.

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