London Drug Dealers Settling Beef By Targeting Families

London Drug Dealers Settling Beef By Targeting Families

By Eric King-

London Drug Dealers are targeting families as part of their methods of settling their beef.

In a frightening revelation to the eye of , a number of reliable sources have claimed that some mysterious deaths have resulted from this targeting.

As we earnestly research knife and gun crime in London, it has emerged that some family members have paid the high price of being related to drug dealers.

Our confidential sources claim that the intensity of rivalry and hatred between some dealers gets so high that some family members have been killed over it.

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Territorial wars over drugs have always been one of the chief causes of gangland murders in the world. London may not rank high among the world cities that have lost blood over drug disputes, but plenty of blood have been spilled over drugs.


Jealousy and rivalry go hand in hand in the drug trade . Aspiring drug kingsmen in a hurry to be the dun in their area sometimes see robbing rivals as a fast track to riches and street credentials. The vicious cycle of spite and revenge is usually not considered until it occurs. When the engine can’t be caught , a family may have to pay.

” It’s just the way it goes, our anonymous source from Kilburn , North West London, told the eye of

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There sometimes is no.limit to how far enmity can go in this bloody game. If you have someone who has robbed your worker of 20 bags( £20k) and on top of that attacked a friend , there are people who will target their family if they can’t find them.

Usually a warning will be sent to the wanted bad boy that his family will be targeted if he doesn’t give himself up. People in the drug business are not playing at all”.

The account confirmed by a few others both in West and East London may explain some of the seeming unprovoked killings in the capital that have baffled police investigating mysterious murders.


It is desperately heartless for an innocent party to be held responsible for the wrongdoings of a family member, but this is one of the tools used to exact revenge in the dangerous world of drugs. Family members on target lists include parents, siblings, and sometimes close cousins.

The research by the eye of seeks to understand many of the root causes if various knife and crimes in London in order to be a part of tackling those causes.

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