Thomas Mair was given a life sentence today as a judge told him he is no patriot.

Thomas Mair was given a life sentence today as a judge told him he is no patriot.

By Lucy Caulkett-

The judge told Thomas Mair his inspiration was not from “love of country or your fellow citizens”, but was “an admiration of Nazism” and similar white supremacist ideas where “democracy and political persuasion are supplanted by violence”.

He added: “Our parents’ generation made huge sacrifices to defeat those ideas and values in the Second World War. What you did, and your admiration for those views which informed your crime, betrays the sacrifices of that generation.

“You are no patriot. By your actions you have betrayed the quintessence of our country, its adherence to parliamentary democracy.”
 Evil Thomas Mair shot and stabbed the 41-year-old Joe Cox outside her constituency surgery in Birstall, close to Leeds
Thomas Mair, 53, shot and stabbed the 41-year-old outside her constituency surgery 3 days before the EU referendum. Mair shouted ”Britain First” before carrying out his despicable act of evil. The demented loner was cross with Joe Cox because of her political stance in favour of Britain remaining in the EU.
Britain first is an extreme right wing political group that advocate putting the needs and interests of British people first, and minimising the scope for Islamic activity or practise in the country. Britain first has conducted a number of confrontational protests in Muslim communities like Luton, often leading to the police being called.

Thomas Mair Stupidly Denied Murder

Mair stupidly denied Mrs Cox’s murder, possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and possession of an offensive weapon – a dagger.He must have been so out of his mind to commit such a crime in the presence of random members of the public, and expect to get away with it,
He also denied causing grievous bodily harm with intent to pensioner Mr Kenny when he tried to stop the attack on Mrs Cox. Mair was convicted on all counts.


Outside court, Jo Cox’s widower Brendan delivered an emotional statement:
“As a family, we will not respond to hatred with hatred. We will love like Jo did and know that, although she is dead, the ideas and values that she held so dear will live on.
“And know that, although she is not with us, her energy and her love are hard-wired into our children for the rest of their lives.
“Finally, we hope the country will also take something from this – that Jo’s death will have meaning.
“That those in politics, the media and our own communities who seek to divide us will face an unassailable wall of British tolerance and the articulation of Jo’s belief that we hold more in common than that which divides us.”
Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, expressed a determination to challenge extremism in all its forms. She said:
“Jo Cox was a committed and passionate politician, devoted to her two young children and her husband, and our thoughts are with her family today.
“The shocking and senseless murder of Jo was an attack on all of us and the values we share of democracy and tolerance.
“As Home Secretary, I am determined that we challenge extremism in all its forms including the evil of far-right extremism and the terrible damage it can cause to individuals, families and communities.
“Jo knew that tackling hatred and division is not something that can be done by Government alone but only by working in partnership with local people and groups, getting involved and speaking up for the values that make us the country we are proud to be.
“Jo’s life was brutally taken away. It falls on all of us to redouble our efforts to make sure the principles that she stood for live
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