Strange footage of a UFO has been filmed flying over Denver and a separate one over Texas.
The mind boggling objects are different in shape in the two locations. We have posted the video with the permission of Secure team- the you tube channel dedicated to the disclosure of UFO’s- who requested for the footage to be shared.
The footage over Denver, is yet one of the most profound to be filmed. The shape of the objects definitely do not currently exist in our planet, and cannot possibly be anything other than a UFO. Skeptics suggest that these objects could be a secret device constructed by the American or Russian government, kept secret from the public. However, no object like this exists in the world today. The more of this sightings we see, the more alarming the reality becomes that there are some strange things going on in the Universe, the general public don’t know about.
Denver airport is known for it’s bizarre looking statutes and images. Other airports are not decorated with similarly weird looking sights. The most bizarre thing about the UFO seen in Denver, is it’s odd shape, similar to distorted looking being from outer space. The objects moves around and can be seen clearly, and identified as a strange thing flying unaided. The UFO seen in Texas can be seen moving swiftly, pretty low about 200 ft low near a shopping mall . The film captured was taken by a security guard, who had onlookers present with him.
Video below features the Denver UFO-
What makes UFO’s an intriguing and concerning topic is the underlying idea that aliens exist, and we have no knowledge of their purpose and their limitations. Last week NASA revealed it had spent $1.1 m to investigate the effects the existence of Aliens will have on religion. The grant was issued last year May, but only became known in limited circles last week, prompting interesting questions as to why the information was released over a year after it started. There has been a push for disclosure of the existence of aliens, with Hilary Clinton promising to disclose all the files the U.S government has on aliens.
The operations of aliens go far deeper than just flying objects. Several documents by U.S investigators and highly ranked military officials, have recorded testimonies by pilots who have chased some UFO flying crafts, and spotted small and weird looking beings controlling these crafts. The strange thing is that other cigar shaped objects, and other shapes, have not revealed any beings in them when jet fighter planes have come close to inspect them. On the majority of occasions, the UFO object just speeds away, losing the fire jets, which simply don’t have the speed to match up. This is really ‘Oh my God’ stuff, because these are strange times for those in the know.
A number of the footage has been passed round the eye of team, though there are still one or two skeptics who believe there could be some natural explanation for what they are, which we just don’t know about. What we do know is that there is need for specific clarity about what these objects really are. It would seem ignorant and over presumptuous for us to assume we are alone in this Universe, though for the first time in history there may be a need to seriously ask if there is other life out there, and if so, what it is. We may be sitting on the edge of a new discovery, one that has been here for a while, but not yet filly identified and fully credited. The strange UFO cited over Denver and Texas, provides food for thought.

AD: Heritage And Restaurant Lounge Bar
Kudos to tyler@secureteam10 for the videos.
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