A UFO sighting has been reported at the Patterson air base in Columbus, Ohio and was reportedly observed by several neighbors who also recorded the alien looking craft hovering in the air.

Shocked observers claim the object was unlike anything they had ever seen before, prompting them to surf google for UFO dedicated channels, in the process sending the filmed object to two UFO channels including secure team. The objects adds to several other objects photographed over the years about alien or extra terrestrial activity supporting the existence of other life on earth. However, the certainty of these objects as legitimate UFO’s have been questioned  by several skeptics who say that these objects could be anything else from technological objects being tested by the American government or any other object with a hidden rational explanation of what they actually are.
However, because there have been  literally thousands of documented accounts over the decades by pilots and eye witnesses, there is mounting pressure on the Obama’s administration to provide a full public disclosure of what these objects are and whether they constitute full proof evidence of alien beings or object moving freely in our planet.  There is also a massive movement taking place in North America led by citizens who demand the government release any documents concerning aliens, particularly as Hilary Clinton has promised to give full disclosure in the event of becoming president.
The most notorious alien mystery started when an unidentified object crashed near a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. Despite painstaking efforts by investigators  to obtain an “evidence” from the alleged crash which included aliens, both dead and alive in the wreckage, the entire story was shrouded in mystery. The caused of that crash near Roswell in July of 1947 remains a mystery. Similarly, the pilot of the plane which crashed en route to Egypt, killing all 66 on board, told control room an hour before the doomed craft vanished, that he saw a UFO with bright green flashing lights hovering about 3,000 feet above his plane.  The plane later met a horrifying fate. Speculations of a terrorist attack has never been corroborated, leading to the most spooky theory that a UFO may have interfered with the plane.  It would seem improbable by rational standards of modern day science, but the growing trend now is for these strange UFO objects to be capable of interfering with the normal course of actions, thereby distorting the way things should be.
The Patterson air force base is believed to be a base where alien technology is being tested and several Ufo activity takes place, contrary to the previously thought view that it was area 51. And whilst area 51 has associations with alien activity , experts believe it is like a smokescreen to hide where the real activity is taking place. Strong protagonists of UFO’s insist that the silence about UFO’s at governmental level has long had a political agenda, but that now that sightings are becoming more and more in number and diversity, the time is very close for an extensive announcement on  the existence or otherwise of UFO’s. However, the pictures caught on film all this time, look convincing to any honest observer, the only possible explanation being a covert operation by the government using  craft looking objects not known or identified to man in any clear and definable way.
A public debate about the existence of aliens and UFO involving the former ministers of the  Canadian government  has been set for June 25, 2016 in Brantford Ontario. The agenda is to pursue an action, which will be the step towards a full disclosure of the top secret documents towards the extraterrestrial visitations. According to the Global Television, there were 1,267 reported incidents across Canada last year.  The purpose is to investigate and address the enigma on this modern day. Led by the Canada’s Former Deputy Prime Minister Paul Hellyer, the event has also been set up by Canadian research and development team to organize the historic occasion.

Among the former government official, Mr. Hellyer is said to be the highest ranking to acknowledge the existence of the UFO. Since July 1947, Roswell

has been at the core of extraterrestrial incidents. It started when the military announced the discovery of the crashed flying saucer with remains on it at the desert nearby. At the event, there are also other topics which will be included aside from the Roswell incident, and these are the latest alien sighting reports, official documents of the government towards extraterrestrials, the president’s understanding, alien abductions, and much more. A disclosure by America confirming the existence of aliens would change the world forever, since once it is used as evidence to show the presence of other forms of life in our planet, the research into what they actually are will become of paramount importance.

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