Kilburn Park School in Malvern Road has been praised by Ofsted inspectors for their  ‘outstanding’ leadership and management at the school and personal development and welfare of pupils.



A north london school has been praised by ofsted inspectors who were impressed with the level of behaviour and personal development there.  Children from Kilburn park school , Malvern Road, demonstrated a good level of academic progress and also showed good discipline, although an objective assessment of the latter is difficult when ofsted inspectors are on the scene. Even naughty children sometimes know how to behave when they are conscious of outside official presence in the school.

Most importantly, the school which is home to some 200 children between the ages of 7 and 11, was impressive when it came to their times tables and expression of english language. The eye of media.com were given heads up on the inspection by a teacher in the school, and we managed to speak with a few children there. Impressively, we found more children between the ages of 8 and 11, having full knowledge of their times tables when tested.

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The eye of media.com is committed to encouraging and influencing the quality of both primary and secondary school education, because if children can be trained and grounded well from an early age, the chances of them going into crime and drugs become slimmer. There is no suggestion that there aren’t educated teenagers or youths who indulge in drugs and crime. The reality is that educated children who stray in the direction of drugs and crime are usually influenced by their far less educated peers who were not developed at all in primary school, due to inadequate quality teaching, or lack of seriousness and discipline.

Many teenagers leave secondary schools without the basic skills of letter writing, or even basic written communication. Other reasons for this ranges from apathy to a dysfunctional background, and a school comprising of other children from dysfunctional homes.

Impressively, children from Kilburn Park school were well mannered and very well grounded with their nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, and clauses.

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Head teacher, Laurence Heel told the eye of media.com  “I am  pleased with all the compliments and appreciation of our children and all we have invested in them.  It gives me so much joy that the dedication and hard work of my staff has been recognized by Ofsted.

This could not have been achieved without the support of parents, but the highest praise must be directed at our wonderful children, who embrace learning and all the other opportunities provided by the school with such enthusiasm.”

The report applauded the Personal development of the children as ”outstanding”. All primary schools are expected to test their pupils every term, but the level of testing varies from school to school, depending on their standard of education,  the ambition of the teachers, and the school leadership. The higher the essential qualities, the higher the quality of education available to the children. Also, the area of teaching is crucial, in terms of teaching methods. All teachers are required to undergo a one year training course before being allowed to teach. However, there are still many criticisms that many teachers lack the full ability to teach well, begging the question as to whether training mechanisms need to be upgraded themselves.

However, those teachers with the higher level of grounding and passion for the job are more likely to impact children better.  Quality of assignments also vary from school to school, with some schools giving more challenging assignments that require some parental assistance to aid their development. Parents who are more financially stable and in good professional jobs are more likely to produce better educated children coming out of primary schools, competent and equipped in developing them.


In  an impressive boost to the reputation of the school, the report stated  “ the curriculum is innovative and exciting, with many varied opportunities to learn new skills” but added that more could be done to help the most able pupils who are no’t making the rapid progress in mathematics they are capable of. Mathematics generally poses a challenge to primary school children because of the complexities that come with maths. Though, good acquaintance with their time tables sets them apart form other primary schools where the children generally struggle to know their times table off by heart without step by step calculations. It trains them to be sharper and quick minded- a crucial quality for development.


The report added: “Parents highly praise the work of the school and in particular how it prepares their children for the next stage of their education.”

Mary Arnold, chair of the school’s governing board, said: “Governors are delighted that our school’s success and its committed staff have been well recognized

“In particular, we are proud of our children’s positive response to high standards of teaching and the widening range of learning provided.

Kilburn Park primary school can be proud of their ofsted praise.They must keep it up.

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