Met Police Officer Placed At School Admits Sexual Abuses With Underaged Girls And Possessing Indecent Images

Met Police Officer Placed At School Admits Sexual Abuses With Underaged Girls And Possessing Indecent Images

By Samantha Jones-

A serving police  officer who was placed at schools has admitted sexual activity with a girl

PC Hussain Chehab admitted sexual activity with a girl aged 13 to 15 before joining the MPS, but also offences linked to indecent images of children that he possessed while in the force.

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The 22-year-old pleaded guilty at Wood Green Crown Court on Tuesday (January 24) to four counts of sexual activity with a girl aged 13 to 15, three counts of making indecent photographs of a child and one count of engaging in sexual communication with a child.

No verdict was recorded in a further four counts of making indecent photographs of a child and the judge ordered they be “left to lie” on file.

Chehab joined the Met in March 2020 and was attached to the north area command unit, serving as a safer schools officer in a secondary school in Enfield between May and August 2021.

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The family of a 16-year-old girl raised concerns with police in July 2021, reporting she had recently been in a relationship with Chehab which they believed began when she was 15, the Met said.

Chehab was arrested in August 2021 and placed on restricted duties, including having to work within the confines of a police building in a non-public-facing role, and having no contact with schools or children.

Investigators found a number of indecent images when they seized his digital devices, and he was arrested for further offences and suspended from duty in October 2021.

After police analysed the officer’s devices, they found messages between Chehab and a 14-year-old girl engaging in sexual communication. The teenager later provided evidence to police that they had entered into a sexual relationship in 2019, when she was 14.

DCS Caroline Haines said: “Our thoughts foremost today are with the young girls who Chehab exploited and took advantage of for his own sexual gratification.

“These offences are made all the more sickening by the fact that some of the image offences were committed while PC Chehab was in a role as a safer schools officer attached to a secondary school in Enfield between May 2021 and his arrest in August 2021.”

She added: “This news will of course cause considerable damage and concern, not only to the local community, but Londoners as a whole, who place their trust in police officers to go into our schools alongside their children every day and keep them safe.

“While no evidence has been found linking any of Chehab’s offending to his role, we are engaging with our local schools, community forums and independent advisory groups to reassure them following the damage his actions will have caused.

“The Met continues to ruthlessly target those who corrupt our identity. We have made it clear there is no place for the likes of PC Chehab in the Met and will take quick and immediate action to arrest and prosecute anyone who commits such abhorrent criminal acts, and will work to quickly remove them from the organisation.”

No verdict was recorded in an additional four counts of making indecent photographs of a child, and the judge ordered they be left to lie on file.

The Met said an accelerated misconduct process had been initiated for Chehab and would be held as quickly as possible.

PC Chehab, who was attached to the MPS North Area Command Unit, was released on bail for sentencing at the same court on Friday March 17.

His offending came to light in July 2021 when the family of a 16-year-old girl called police to raise concerns about the fact she had recently been in a relationship with PC Chehab, which they believed began when she was 15 years old.

He was arrested on August 24, 2021, and placed on restricted duties within the confines of a police building in a non-public-facing role with no contact with schools or children. A number of digital devices were also seized

When his devices were examined, a number of indecent images were found by officers and he was further arrested on October 28, when he was also suspended from duty.

Analysis of further devices also revealed messages between PC Chehab and a 14-year-old girl engaging in sexual communication. She later provided evidence to police that they had entered into a sexual relationship in 2019 when she was just 14.

Chehab joined the MPS on March 30, 2020, and the force said the four counts of sexual activity with a girl aged 13 to 15 “took place between March 1, 2019, and September 2019, and pre-dated his service in the Met”.

The force said following his guilty plea “an accelerated misconduct process has been initiated and will be held as quickly as possible”.

Detective Chief Superintendent Caroline Haines, lead for policing in Enfield where PC Chehab served, said: “Our thoughts foremost today are with the young girls who Chehab exploited and took advantage of for his own sexual gratification.

“These offences are made all the more sickening by the fact that some of the image offences were committed while PC Chehab was in a role as a Safer Schools officer attached to a secondary school in Enfield between May 2021 and his arrest in August 2021.

“Once the initial allegations against PC Chehab were made, he was immediately removed from his role while the investigation took place. We have worked closely with the school concerned, and Enfield local authority, to ensure that there were no further unreported safeguarding incidents or missed opportunities.

“A review of the information provided to the Met prior to him joining as a police officer was carried out and nothing was found that could have indicated his offending.

“Prior to commencing his role as a Safer Schools officer he was also subject to further Child and Vulnerable Group Supervision vetting, in line with the current vetting standards for all those who work with children and young persons.”

She added: “This news will of course cause considerable damage and concern, not only to the local community, but Londoners as a whole, who place their trust in police officers to go into our schools alongside their children every day and keep them safe.

“While no evidence has been found linking any of Chehab’s offending to his role, we are engaging with our local schools, community forums and independent advisory groups to reassure them following the damage his actions will have caused.

“The Met continues to ruthlessly target those who corrupt our identity. We have made it clear there is no place for the likes of PC Chehab in the Met and will take quick and immediate action to arrest and prosecute anyone who commits such abhorrent criminal acts, and will work to quickly remove them from the organisation.”

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