How  Uk Pandemic Lockdown Still Affects Students With Anxiety And Keeps Them Away From School

How Uk Pandemic Lockdown Still Affects Students With Anxiety And Keeps Them Away From School

By Gavin Mackintosh-

The Lockdown in the UK impacted Pupils with anxiety tremendously, with  a high Number staying away from  school, The Eye Of Media can reveal.

The COVID-19 pandemic  brought about unprecedented challenges and disruptions to various aspects of our lives. In an effort to control the spread of the virus, governments around the world implemented strict measures, including lockdowns. In the United Kingdom, these restrictions have significantly affected the education sector, with pupils facing numerous difficulties.

One prominent issue is the increased number of students with anxiety skipping school due to the mental challenges they say have been posed by lockdown.

Researcher and private tutor, Claire Coleman, told The Eye Of Media.Com: ‘ there are many students who just don’t feel comfortable mixing with other children anymore. The psychological impact of social distancing took its toll on them.

Imagine that some of these children already suffered from anxiety before covid, The pandemic simply worsened how they relate to people.

These children often have the full support of their parents, and in some cases it is the prents who feel strongly about their children not mixing in school. They just don’t want to take a chance, doesn’t matter how much you tell them the pandemic is over because provided you cannot definitively tell them there is no more covid at all, some families don’t want to mix.

Their parents would rather higher a tutor to teach their child everyday than put them in school”current pandemic is the 21st documented pandemic in recorded history (Pitlik, 2020).

There were over 100 million cases and greater than 2 million deaths associated with the pandemic, according to statistics.. Existing evidence has reflected increased anxiety, fear and panic during SARS and H1N1 (Kılınçel et al., 2020). However, these pale in comparison to the magnitude of lifestyle changes witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CD-10 defines unspecified anxiety as “a category of psychiatric disorders which are characterized by anxious feelings of fear often accompanied by physical symptoms associated with anxiety” (World Health Organization, 1992). Further specified diagnoses that fall within the scope of this review include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The Prevalence of Anxiety Among Students

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition affecting people of all ages, including students. Even before the pandemic, anxiety disorders were recognized as a significant concern among school-aged children in the UK. The additional stressors brought about by the pandemic, such as social isolation, uncertainty, and disruption to routines, have only exacerbated these conditions.

Impact of Lockdown on Students’ Mental Health

The implementation of lockdown measures in the UK has had a substantial impact on the mental well-being of students. The sudden transition to online learning, reduced social interaction, and isolation from friends and teachers have increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression among many pupils. For those already experiencing anxiety, the abrupt change in routine and loss of social support systems have significantly worsened their condition.

Barriers to Remote Learning

One of the main reasons students with anxiety are skipping school during lockdown is the challenges associated with remote learning. While online platforms have provided an alternative method of education, they have their limitations. Pupils may struggle with technical difficulties, lack of motivation, difficulties in understanding and retaining information, and a lack of support from teachers, which can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

Lack of Routine and Structure

Lockdown measures have disrupted the daily routines and structures that students rely on for stability and academic success. The absence of fixed schedules, school timetables, and face-to-face interactions with teachers has made it difficult for pupils with anxiety to maintain a sense of normalcy. The loss of structure can trigger heightened anxiety and further contribute to their reluctance to engage in remote learning.

Social Isolation and Loneliness

Research suggests that loneliness and its duration , not its intensity, can lead to high anxiety connected  serious levels of mental health issues .Confinement to home can also expose children to maltreatment and abuse in conflict-ridden families. The lockdown has exposed more women to intimate partner violence, which can traumatize children and produce anxiety.

Many children in the Uk are still suffering from the spell of lockdown, nearly two years after it was lifted.

Human connection and social interaction are vital for students’ overall well-being. Lockdown measures have deprived students of the opportunity to socialize with their peers and engage in extracurricular activities, leading to increased feelings of social isolation and loneliness. For students with anxiety, this lack of social support can intensify their symptoms and make it even more challenging to participate in school-related activities.

Fear of Academic Performance and Assessment

”’Students with anxiety often face fear and worry related to academic performance and assessments, researcher and former teacher, Joshua Hopwood said. The shift to online learning  introduced new challenges in terms of adapting to different assessment methods, such as online exams and coursework submissions. The fear of underperforming or not meeting expectations can significantly impact students’ mental well-being and further discourage their participation in remote learning.

Inadequate Support Systems

While efforts have been made to provide support to students during lockdown, the transition to remote learning has exposed gaps in the provision of mental health services. Many pupils have reported feeling unsupported or unable to access the necessary resources and counselling. This lack of support exacerbates their anxiety and makes it more likely for them to disengage from school”.

The COVID-19 lockdown measures in the UK have had a profound impact on the mental health and well-being of students, particularly those with pre-existing anxiety disorders. The disruption of routines, lack of social interaction, inadequate support systems, and challenges associated with remote learning have all contributed to a significant number of students with anxiety skipping school.




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