Former Model Expresses Fear Gazza Death From Alcohol Is Imminent

Former Model Expresses Fear Gazza Death From Alcohol Is Imminent

By Shaun Murphy-

Former model Linda Lusardi has expressed fears of getting a phone call saying her close friend Paul Gascoigne has died.

A worried Linda said the troubled football legend star’s current situation reminds her of the late George Best.

The former popular page 4 girl  became friends with Gazza when he signed for Spurs as a teenager and moved in opposite her and her Spurs fan husband.

Linda, 64, told the British Scandal Podcast: “He used to come over with pies his mum had made that he’d bought back from Newcastle, and he quite often spent an evening sitting watching the telly with us.

“He was quite lonely to begin with. He was a very vulnerable character. He wouldn’t sleep with the light off.”

Linda added: : “I think for the moment he’s OK, but he’s the first person to say himself that he struggles to keep away from the alcohol.

“I do fear for him because there may come a day when you’re getting that phone call that he’s just overdone it. He does remind me of George Best.”

Her concern comes days after a new exhibition celebrating the life and times of iconic English footballer Paul Gascoigne has opened its doors in London, UK.

Gazza who recently won ‘cared i the dark’- an experimental television programme

Gazza has been open about his addiction issues in the past. In 2020 he told GMB he’d had an operation in a bid to combat his alcoholism which involved three anti-alcohol pellets have been placed inside his groin.

While on the Channel 4 show, the former Newcastle United legend struck up a bromance with Max George

Alcoholism is a debilitating disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide, irrespective of their social status or accomplishments. Among those who have grappled with alcohol addiction, the case of Paul Gascoigne, the former English footballer, stands out as a poignant example. Throughout his life, Gascoigne has battled with alcohol abuse, and the potential risks associated with his addiction are alarming. In this article, we will explore the serious health implications and potential life-threatening consequences that Paul Gascoigne faces due to his ongoing struggle with alcohol.

Liver Disease

One of the most significant health risks faced by individuals who abuse alcohol is liver disease. Excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption places an enormous burden on the liver, leading to inflammation and damage. Conditions such as alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis can develop, potentially resulting in liver failure. Gascoigne’s history of heavy drinking raises concerns about the state of his liver health. If left untreated, liver disease can be fatal, making it a severe and immediate risk for him.

Alcohol abuse takes a toll on the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of various complications. Chronic alcohol consumption raises blood pressure and can lead to arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. The excessive strain on the heart, combined with the potential effects of alcohol on blood clotting, can prove fatal. Given Gascoigne’s history of alcoholism, the long-term damage to his cardiovascular health is a grave concern.

Health experts also say  addiction often leads to poor dietary habits, resulting in malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. Alcohol is high in empty calories and offers little nutritional value. Individuals struggling with alcoholism may neglect proper meals, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. Over time, this can weaken the immune system, impair organ function, and increase the risk of infections and other health complications. The combination of alcohol abuse and poor nutrition poses a significant threat to Gascoigne’s overall well-being and may exacerbate existing health issues.

Mental Health Disorders and Suicidal Tendencies

Nhs  analyst Amber Smart. told The Eye Of Media,Com: ‘Alcohol abuse is frequently intertwined with mental health disorders. Many individuals turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism for underlying psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, alcohol exacerbates these conditions, leading to a vicious cycle of self-medication and deteriorating mental health. In Gascoigne’s case, his public struggles with mental health are well-documented. The risk of alcohol-related suicide is a distressing concern, as alcohol impairs judgment, intensifies depressive symptoms, and lowers inhibitions.

Smart  added: ”Alcohol impairs cognitive function, coordination, and judgment, significantly increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. Intoxication can lead to falls, motor vehicle accidents, and other traumatic incidents that may result in severe physical harm or even death.

”Given Gascoigne’s history of alcohol abuse, his susceptibility to such accidents is heightened. The combination of impaired judgment and alcohol-induced recklessness poses a constant threat to his safety and well-being”.

Gascoigne recently revealed he was banned from every chemist in Newcastle as he tried to get hold of Calpol to fuel his addiction.

The former England and Newcastle footballer opened up about his addictive personality in last month’s channel 4 episode of  Scared of the Dark, which saw celebrities such as Gazza, Scarlett Moffatt and Chloe Burrows live in the pitch black together. The dad-of-three, who was crowned the winner of the Channel 4 reality show, has battled alcohol addiction and mental health problems.

He revealed that he lied about having nine children in an effort to get Calpol. He said: “Unfortunately, I’ve got this addiction personality. I stopped going to rehab for stupid reasons you know. I was like, that’s the addict side of us so I went for Calpol.

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