By Gavin Mackintosh- Cocaine is snorted by members of most professions, according to research conducted by the eye of The eye of spoke to two members of ten different professions , asking whether they take cocaine or know someone who does in their profession. The professions chosen were : The police, Teachers , Social workers , lawyers, bankers, bouncers, journalists, footballers, boxers, doctors, and bankers Bouncers were presented as having the most percentage of cocaine users among them, bankers coming next, then social workers, the police coming fourth in the perceived percentage of those who snort cocaine . Coming fifth were doctors , believed to have a percentage of them snorting cocaine. After that was bankers, then seventh was footballers, then boxers, tenth being lawyers , disappointing considering the high standing of their profession. TEACHERS CLEAN Two teachers we spoke to said they didn't know of any teachers who snorts cocaine , and three other random teachers approached for the research stated the same. Journalists also came out looking good, with no journalists claiming to snort cocaine or know of any others who do. This doesn't prove they don't exist, but rather suggests that it is not believed to exist. Journalists are meant to uphold high standards of morality in the same way as lawyers and the police, but the latter two professions appear to have applying those standards to their personal lives. The research was done over a 2 week period in May by writers and researchers at the eye of They involved a candid engagement with participants, who were promised anonymity. Each participant representing their industry is well connected to the social engagements of their industry. They would be expected to know the practices that occur among them, and were asked to give a truthful account of their own direct experiences and knowledge. The findings of the research highlights how widespread cocaine use is in professional arenas. The research was sparked by a member of our team who felt a focus in a research we have been conducting into social workers was unfair , and should be extended to other professions. It appears many professionals like to spend a lot on cocaine for recreational purposes. There is also the general perception that spending on cocaine represents being rich. However, it shows that even among high professionals with undeniable intelligence,stupidity is a factor in their bad judgement.