Boris Johnson Faces Criticism Over G7

Boris Johnson Faces Criticism Over G7


Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson , was roundly criticised for commuting out empty from the G7.

Johnson’s mistake was his failure to recognise the hold Putin has on the countries he was asking to impose sanctions on Russia.

His goals  to achieve a collective sanctioning against Russia had honest intentions. Intentions of expressing the world’s horror against Putin’s  support for Assad’s regime.

However, the timing was bad , especially with Brexit still an unfinished business.


Russia is the biggest exporter of gas and oil to European countries, so they were never going to attempt to sanction Putin.

They would have seen it as shooting themselves in the foot.


However, commentators have criticized Johnson’s failed approach, viewed in addition to past blunders of the former Mayor of London.

Johnson had just canceled a previously planned meeting with Russia’s former minister.


The sudden cancellation added to the radical call for sanctioning didn’t go down well with critics.


The Foreign Secretary was actually just expressing his disgust at the chemical weapons used to kill children in Syria, but foresight of its failure may have served him well.

The back clash would have been predicted, Johnson would have run a different path. If only he knew.


Guess we all make mistakes, but his critics feel he is making too many.

Boris Johnson will have to use his Etonian instincts to turn this all around, and explain why his critics  should believe that he will make fewer errors in future

. Johnson is bright , but doesn’t always think things through before he does them. He can only learn from this mistake.

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