The daughter of Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston is in intensive care fighting for her life, after being found face down in a bath tub last weekend. The 21 year old was found unresponsive when found by her husband, Nick Gordon, at their home in Roswell, Georgia last Saturday morning. She is in a medically induced coma and suffering from a swelling to her brain- doctors have told the family to prepare for the worst. Her father, Bobby Brown rushed to the scene in a private jet offered by Tyler Perry, who also accompanied his friend to the intensive care unit at North Fulton hospital.

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” Bobby Kristine is fighting for her life and is surrounded by immediate family”, a statement to the media read.
Ever since her mother passed away three years ago, the young 21 year old has struggled to come to terms with her demise, binging and has openly abused drugs since her mothers passing. Bobby Kristina was born in Livingston 1993 to the rocky parents. Her father Bobby Brown has received eruptive views over the past 20 years in relation to his marriage to the late music idol. Since his marriage to Whitney, their time together has been riddled with cocaine and violence. Miss Houston deteriorated rapidly in her time spent with him, and the whole world was present to see the vocal queen decay right before their eyes. It did seem like things were getting better for the star when she split from Bobby Brown, but then things subsequently deteriorated to the sad state of affairs we now know and read about.

As much as we wanted the Power House singer back, drug and Whitney Houston undeniably remained bedfellows . It was apparent t Whitney denied further use and kept it behind closed doors despite her collapsing cheekbones and skeletal chest, which she got scrutinised for on multiple occasions. She looked like a skeleton.
It was such a shame to see her like this, the woman who on many occasions had blown our breath away with her exemplary vocal talent and unique songs. Giving us amazing jams like “Dance with somebody”, “I have Nothing” and her outstanding cover version of Dolly Partons power ballad “I will always love you” in 1992, which landed the Christmas number 1 and was the original soundtrack for the movie Whitney starred in called “The BodyGuard”.

On the lead up to the 54th Grammys, the “How will i know” pop stars death was declared as “an accidental drowning, combined with a combinations of drugs and heart disease”. A later announcement disclosed evidence that traces of Xenon were found in Miss Houston’s system along with a few other intoxicating pharmaceuticals. She was recovered submerged in her bathtub at her hotel in Los Angeles. CPR was not successful and she was almost immediately declared dead.

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Bobby, just 19 years old at the time had automatically inherited her mother’s fortune’s and estates. Her mother was worth an estimated $170-200 million around the time of death. That is quite a large amount of money to give a teen along with the double anxiety of grief on top of that. It is a ticket to go off the rails if you asked me, and the accompanying pain of realising that she is the beneficiary of her mother’s sweat and pain – one which unfortunately culminated in her death, must be really painful to bare. Bobby went on drinking benders and it became apparent to us that she was using cocaine just like her mother did.
Friends have claimed “She just wants attention and desires to be in the limelight”. Can one blame her, it can’t be easy to be the daughter of a legendary superstar who went of the rails and ended up 6 feet under. A woman who nurtured and honed her skills in the Church- a Church that expressly denounces the use of drugs!

The cause of Miss Bobby Kristina’s bath tub incident has not yet been ascertained, but it does not take much imagination to guess what it involves.

Kristina married long term partner Nick Gordon last year, Nick found his wife submerged in the bath on Saturday morning. Him and a friend had dragged her from the scene and performed CPR on Miss Houston Brown until the professionals arrived. A police man present had continued the CPR until the paramedics arrived. Her marital home was reportedly searched, and no drugs were found to be present.
Nick and Bobby have received terrible backlash prior and post engagement. Their marriage has been ridiculed with tweets about the pair referring to them as “Sick and Incestuous”. Nick lived with the Browns when he was a boy due to his mother being unable to cope with him. Bobby Kristina used to refer to him as her Brother and was accused of being indecent when the pair went onto announce their engagement. The couple married January 19th last year. Bobby cleared up speculations when she tweeted “Me and Nick aren’t even real brother and sister. My mum knew we would date and she knows me more than any of you so you can think what you want!!!”.

It seems like Bobbys drama and bullying taunts keep knocking the young woman down. We need to cut her some slack, this is more than any 21 year old can cope with.
Bobby was said to have been breathing and alive on her way to the Hospital and was placed into an induced coma. Her friends have labelled her a “Tiger”. She will bounce back. I only hope Bobby will remind herself of her mothers words: “Having Bobby Kristina was the best thing i could of ever done, nothing i can do now will ever top that”. Remember darling. You are you’re mothers greatest creation. Eye of media wish Bobby the speediest recuperation from this very disturbing episode, and hope that sensible steps are put in place to prevent a recurrence of this sorry state.

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