By Lucy Caulkett-
A prisoner has been forced to stick with a probation officer whom he does not trust, and who lied and included unverified claims about domestic violence in his case file
Aaron Brown(pictured) was imprisoned in 2005 for 99 years under the controversial IPP scheme, for wounding with intent. He was eventually let out in 2013, recalled in 2014 for 9 months, following a fight in a pub he wasn’t allowed to be in as part of his parole conditions.
After he was let out of prison, he was again recalled in 2016 after he attempted to run from police when they raided a property for cannabis where he was staying with a friend. When he was due for parole in 2018, it was denied citing allegations that he posed a danger to the life of the mother of his child, Jessica Myles.
In a story similar to that of his father , Marcus Brown, 63, who was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs in 2020, no drugs was actually found on Aaron Brown during the raid. His friend who turned out to be selling the drugs was arrested for possession with intent to supply drugs. Aaron at the time was on parole having been let out of prison , but his attempt to escape from police following the raid, led to him being charged for obstructing justice, then subsequently being recalled to prison.
When Mr. Brown was due to be released from prison in 2018, social services presented police with claims said to be from the mother of his child that he constituted a threat to her and her then boyfriend, Michael Wood, and her two parents. His release date was indefinitely suspended after that. He hasn’t seen day light since then and the family have been livid, strongly accusing the probation services of conspiring to keep him in prison at all costs without providing him with any evidence whatsoever.
Jenny Durose, the probation officer assigned to Aaron in 2019, after taking over from a Lisa Bulmer of Ashton probation, is not in the good books of Aaron or his family at all. The Brown family have accused Ms Durose of failing to co-operate with their requests, and of falsely putting domestic violence on his file, despite him never being questioned about it by police or being charged with the allegation.
Aaron Brown’s police file contains allegations that he subjected the mother of his child, Jessica Myles to domestic violence, but has never been questioned about it by either police, the social services, or the probation services. Yet, the allegation is one of the reason he is in prison today.
Jessica Myles when confronted by this publication denied ever suffering from domestic violence from Aaron Brown. In what is one of the most bizarre situations, Ms Myles says she felt no option to make the allegations in question because she felt she would lose her kids.
The Brown family have accused Ms Durose of being a fraud, and provided a recorded telephone message from her in which she claimed not to have been at any meetings to discuss Aaron’s case.
Yet, documents provided by social services themselves reveal Durose to have attended multi agency meetings in which Aaron Brown was discussed in light of the complaints against him. This has raised their suspicions about her
The Brown family have also accused the probation officer of failing to disclose relevant information to Aaron about his case. They claim he discovered a claim to domestic violence against the mother of his child from his parole dossier. The family have been so dissatisfied with the operations of the probation services, whom they claim have been fraudulent and spiteful in their dealings with them.
His sister, Tiffany Brown, who has been given authority to speak on his behalf said: ”Jenny won’t disclose anything to him she has lied on multiple occasions even telling us she was not aware of any meetings about Aaron. She has denied everything and even accused myself an Jessica of making these allegations up even stating to Aaron me him and Jessica are conspiracy theorists which is untrue. ”.
The family accused the parole board of pursuing a malicious claim against them, and have said Durose has lied about not being in attendance of meetings, despite evidence she actually attended them.
She has been accused of failing to address the family’s concerns , and they accuse her of writing false information on Aaron’s parole dossier.
Inquiries made by this publication confirmed that a prisoner has no right to insist on changing their probation officer. However, probation officers in other parts of the Uk say complaints about a probation officer ought be taken seriously every complaint seriously and addressed verbally and in writing, whilst considering whether it is necessary to change the probation officer in certain circumstances.
A spokesperson for the Ministry Of Justice said : ”complaints of this nature should be investigated with a view to addressing and resolving issues raised”.
Ms Brown- the aggrieved sister of Aaron Brown- has bitterly complained that all complaints made to the probation services have been ignored.
This publication has confirmed that relatives of a prisoner do not necessarily have a right of response to complaints made about the prisoner, but that all serious complaints made ought to be investigated, especially when coming from someone the organization complained about knows to be a relative.
The family are in the meantime stuck with a probation officer they neither like nor trust.
Durose’s boss, Richard Perry has previously been silent about the many issues raised, and has reportedly not responded to all official complaints by the family.
The probation services to respond to questions has made relations between them and the family very tense. The family believe the police force and the probation services are collaborating against them because of their criminal history.
Aaron’s grandmother, Pam Margaret Redman, 84 died on Saturday, 18th of June of a gall bladder problem, absess of the liver , and apparently expressed regret on her death bed that was unable to see her grandchild freed from prison before she died . She hadn’t seen Aaron for 16 years, and was also very worried about her daughter’s health, which was affected because both her son and husband(Marcus Brown) were in jail for reasons the whole family believed to be unjust.