Donald Trump’s New Plans To Announce Immigration Ban

Donald Trump’s New Plans To Announce Immigration Ban

By Aaron Miller-

Donald Trump will sign a new executive order on immigration later on Monday, according to his aide, Kelly Anne Conway .

The intention to implement a modified order was announced by the White House when the original ban was blocked by a federal court, but not everybody was sure Trump will go ahead with it, There was outrage in the U.S and the U.K, when the previous order suspended citizens from seven Muslim nations entering the U.S, and the entire US refugee resettlement programme and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the US. Olympic legend, Mo Farad, was among those left stranded at the time because of the ban.

Iraq is to be left off the list of countries whose citizens will be banned from the US, Trump’s senior aide, Ms Kelly Conway told Fox news. Citizens of the other countries on the original list including Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, the other six countries on the original list, would once more be subject to a 90-day travel ban. The new executive order is bound to revive outcry and protests, something that has dogged President Trump’s administration ever since he was announced as the winner of the U.S elections, and right through to his inauguration as the 45th president of the United States.

Legal challenges are likely to accompany this new announcement, and unless President Trump and his team have a different argument to present to the court in defense of his last executive order, another embarrassing defeat might await him in the courts. The U.S president should not be seen to be losing legal case on matters of constitutional law, especially with his recent appointment of a very bright judge in the high court with outstanding credentials. The president of the United States cannot be having his decisions overturned by a judge, when the billionaire has access to the best legal brains in the world. Trump and his team owe a duty to their own reputations and the American people to tailor every order and law in a manner that is legally and morally sound. Protecting the safety of American boarders and the American people is something every American will agree to, but the measures taken must be legal and reasonable.

Trump is clearly an unorthodox leader, but he must not be seen as a dictator who just wants to pass laws as he likes just because he is the most powerful man in the world. He needs to make a legacy, and legacies are made by having a respectable impact

The president of the United States is expected to lead the country in accordance with the rule of law and the inherent principles of natural justice. The natural expectation is for the president to run his executive order before a competent and knowledgeable lawyer before he presents it to the American public and the world. The old argument of wanting to avert terrorism has failed because of the lack of evidence presented to support the end objective, so Trump’s team will be obliged to frame whatever executive order they have planned in a manner that passes legal scrutiny.

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