Trump Administration Will Pressure U.S Ambassadors To Probe Clinton Foundation

Trump Administration Will Pressure U.S Ambassadors To Probe Clinton Foundation

By Aaron Miller

President elect Trump’s administration will pressure U.S ambassadors to probe the financial dealings of Hillary Clinton’s foundation.

Foreign governments will collaborate with U.S ambassadors to investigate Hillary Clinton’s foundation, a leaked email to the New-York Post has revealed. The news follows a number of statements by the president elect Trump backtracking on his election promises, one of them being his promise to get a special prosecutor to investigate Hilary Clinton’s foundation if he became President.

President elect Trump was probably humbled upon his largely unexpected victory at the time of his back tracking comments, or may have been reflecting advisory words of his advisers. What matters is the known truth now that president elect Trump’s administration will not let the matter lie once he assumes office in January, barring of course, a coup of some sort. The Haiti government are reported to be one of the key players in this plan, after recently leaked emails indicate that friends of Bill Clinton may have given priority from the State Department to as it prepared to spend $10bn after a devastating earthquake hit the country in 2010.

The mails also revealed that the Clinton foundation received several millions from foreign investment money, with countries like Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Canada, and Sweden investing millions into the Clinton foundation headed by Donna Shalala, the former health and services secretary of state. Already, the French government is looking into a trial of tens of millions of government money that ended up in the hands of the Clinton foundation, with a n umber of questions being asked.

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The Trump Administration is still in the building process, with president elect Trump selecting his team gradually but also controversially. The billionaire president elect has selected people who were staunch critics of his campaign, leaving commentators puzzled as to some of his choices. The guess is that he wants his strongest critics who are capable of doing a good job, to be under his wings , also forcing them to be an advocate of sorts for his administration and bringing a wealth of experience and professionalism to his team.

President elect Trump said shortly after his victory that Hillary Clinton and her husband, Bill Clinton, had called in to offer words of congratulations to him following his shocking victory on November 8th.  The idea that president elect Trump was going to  leave Hilary Clinton to get over the grand disappointment of her election failure and move on with life, may just have been a very misguided one.  Clinton was widely considered the favourite to win the elections, but Trump snatched the win in the last minute to become the 45th president of the United States. President elect Trump appears to have already back tracked on some of his election campaign promises, but he may be playing a game of politics and waiting until he actually assumes office to show the world how he really plans to rule America.

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