Powerball Lottery Jackpot Of $429m won in U.S

Powerball Lottery Jackpot Of $429m won in U.S

BY Aaron Miller-

A lucky U.S winner has won the powerball lottery jackpot of $420.9m after a 2 months with no winners.

It was the first time in 2 months since the huge jackpot had been won by anybody.  Last September, one lucky winner scooped the £246.8m jackpot .

The lucky winner purchased their ticket from La Fayette Tenn, 60 miles from Nashville and must be over the moon if they know of these crazy lottery jackpot prize they have won. 4 tickets matched 5 numbers- two of those winners from Pennsylvania, 1 from Minnesota, and 1 from North Carolina. They were close but not close enough, scooping $2m, which is still is a nice figure to win on the national lottery.

$420m is an awful lot of money to win, it can take care of several generations. The thought of even winning that amount is one that would blow anybody’s mind away the moment they are aware of their massive fortune. Sleepless nights and a wild running imagination will immediately follow the realisation that one will never ever have a financial care in the world again. Only a fool will loose that kind of mega fortune. Fools and their money part company quickly, but not astronomical amounts like this.  The likelihood of the holder of this massive jackpot dying before even a tenth of the money is spent is much higher than anything else imaginable, including a reckless squandering of the money.

One advise to this winner- don’t tell the world! Many lottery winners have lost their fortune or been robbed because they were too keen to show off their new found wealth instead of keeping it to themselves and investing some of it wisely in a profitable business. When $420m is sitting pretty in your account, what business does an individual want to invest in? It will have to be something close to the person’s heart because the drive to make money has just been solved by the lottery win. The only people that really need to know about such a  mega life changing  experience is the family of the winner and maybe a very, very, close friend. Otherwise announcing such a win is a call for problems matching the size of the win.

A winner of $420m can make 100 random people instant millionaires or multi-millionaires , and still have too much money to play with. $420m is crazy money, real crazy money! It is the sort of money that will cause many extremely beautiful women to leave their partners for you. Almost anybody who is aware that you have that sort of money would want to be a friend. Shallow as it may appear, extreme cash like this just causes the mind to accelerate at a speed beyond control, as the path to infinite opportunities and possibilities begin to overwhelm  and excite the mind.

This powerball jackpot winner now has a lot of power and must be throwing a party wherever they are now if they are aware they have won this astronomical sum of money. Good luck to them.

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