By James Simons- Theresa May was put in the dock by a disability patient in Oxford on Monday. The prime minister was confronted in Oxford by Cathy Mohan, who has learning disabilities . The confrontation during a live Facebook interview highlighted the embarrassing fact that Mohan has to live on £100 a month disability allowance. The ridiculously inadequate monthly allowance has brought attention to the Conservative party's inadequate welfare policy. Mohan said : " I want you to do something g for us. I'm talking about everybody , not just me. MENTAL HEALTH I am talking about everybody who has got mental health and who has got learning disabilities. I want them not to have their money taking away from them and being crippled. "The fat cats get the money and us lot get nothing". The confrontation comes amid growing complaints that unemployed people in receipt of job seekers allowance and universal credit continue to be sanctioned for excessively long periods for missing appointments. SANCTIONS Those on the receiving end of sanctions are often penalised £10 a day for an 8 day period , totalling £80 for each period of sanction. In some cases, those on benefits lose their entire benefits for a month, pushing many into crime. The prime minister's responded by saying more help was being given to those with mental health and disabilities , but did not address the directly the fact those on disability get just £100 a month. A direct answer as to whether the incredibly small wage will be raised to a reasonable amount will be required. That question cannot be evaporated so easily , no matter how uncomfortable it is. POLICE AND KNIFE CRIME. The prime minister was also questioned about the police and the surge in knife crime in London - one of the tougher questions that may be too difficult for her to deal with. Theresa May is currently perceived as he strongest leader of all the parties, but there are still huge challenges her government faces before the electorate feel fully satisfied.