Students With Depression Need More Assistance

Students With Depression Need More Assistance

By James Simon's-

Students with depression need more assistance with their studies.

An ongoing research by the eye of shows that 92 percent of students who claimed to be depressed are seriously affected in their academics, whilst 8 percent said they found a way to address it.

Mind over matter and CBT were two of methods best used to overcome depression by students who suffered from it.

Depression in students ranges from low self-esteem to problems at home and school. 7


75 percent of depressed students said they were depressed because of problems at home, whilst 25 percent said issues at school alone was the cause if their depression.


20 percent of the 75 percent depressed students arising from home issues, also claimed to suffer depression at school.

School issues include bullying, ridiculing, or depression arising from financial lack.


Only 4 percent of the students said they felt any expert help they have received has been helpful, most of the depressed students claiming to have never discussed their problems with any member of authority in the school.


The full appraisal of this segment of the research was completed on Monday, bank holiday, and due to be presented to the education minister, Nick Morgan , this week for his information.

The eye of wants mental health education added to the curriculum of. primary and secondary school students.

Depression is a key part of mental health problems, though not all mental health problems are necessarily connected to depression.

Children and teenagers should be educated to recognize the signs and causes of mental health, and how to counteract them.

Some mental health problems are genetic, but some are created by severe issues at home or in a person’s social life.

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