Stormy Daniels Attorneys File In Appeal Against Defamation Defeat

Stormy Daniels Attorneys File In Appeal Against Defamation Defeat

By Aaron Miller-

Attorneys for porn star Stormy Daniels have put in a challenge against the recent  request by President Donald Trump’s lawyers to  claim  the $293,000 charge against her after  she lost her defamation claim to the president in 2018.

The U.S  porn woman also received an extra imposition of $1,000 in sanctions  following the dismissal of the claim. However, after representatives of President Trump put in for a claim the $450,000 settlement between Daniels and Ohio’s capital city following an illegal arrest of Daniels, Attorney’s of the president went straight to demand the unpaid legal debt.

The Eye Of Media.Com heard today that Daniel’s attorney’s last night filed in an appeal against the defeat, thereby deeming Trump’s request null and void. The appeal appears to be an effort to avoid paying President Trump, the huge bill ordered by the judge, meaning that Daniel’s who gained notoriety from her revelation of an alleged affair between herself and the president will be spending a lot of her compensation money appealing the claim

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