Seattle Officer To Defend Case Against Allegation

Seattle Officer To Defend Case Against Allegation

By Aaron Miller-

Seattle Police Department (SPD) officer Dan Auderer, who was caught on body camera laughing after a woman was hit and killed by another officer in early 2023, will plead his case to department leadership in a closed-door hearing Monday.

His callous remarks captured on body camera footage following the tragic death of 23-year-old Jaahnavi Kandula sparked outrage and prompted calls for accountability within the ranks of law enforcement.

The story of Jaahnavi Kandula’s death first made headlines on January 23, 2023, when the young student at Northeastern University’s Seattle campus was struck and killed by Officer Kevin Dave’s SUV while walking in a crosswalk.

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Dave, responding to an overdose call, inadvertently collided with Kandula, tragically ending her life in a devastating accident that sent shockwaves through the community.

But it wasn’t just the accident itself that captured the public’s attention—it was the callous remarks made by Officer Auderer in the aftermath that ignited a firestorm of controversy.

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Body camera footage revealed Auderer laughing and making offensive comments about Kandula, suggesting her life had “limited value” and joking about writing a check for $11,000.

Jaahnavi Kandula was killed on January 23 by a speeding car being driven by a cop (GoFundMe)Jaahnavi Kandula was killed on January 23 by a speeding car being driven by a cop (GoFundMe)

That employee was “concerned about the nature of statements” and escalated

The shocking nature of Auderer’s remarks prompted swift condemnation from community leaders, activists, and citizens alike.

There was much outrage at the apparent lack of empathy and respect displayed by a sworn officer of the law in the wake of a tragic loss of life.

Auderer’s actions not only tarnished the reputation of the SPD, but also raised serious questions about the culture and accountability within the department.

The story soon made international headlines, drawing attention to broader issues of police misconduct and accountability. From London to Sydney, news outlets and media organizations seized upon the story, framing it as yet another example of law enforcement failing to uphold the values of justice, compassion, and integrity.

The fallout from the incident has been significant. The Seattle Office of Police Accountability, a civilian-led watchdog agency, formally recommended disciplinary action against Auderer, citing violations of professional standards for his comments.

The recommendation now sits with Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz, who will preside over a closed-door “loudermill hearing” to allow Auderer to present his side of the story before any disciplinary action is taken.

Meanwhile, Auderer maintains that his comments were taken out of context and intended as satire, aimed at mocking hypothetical arguments made by city lawyers.

However, many remain unconvinced by his explanation, viewing his remarks as callous and insensitive, particularly in light of the tragic circumstances surrounding Kandula’s death.

In the wake of the incident, SPD Chief Adrian Diaz pulled Auderer from field duty, assigning him to desk duty within the department. Yet, questions linger about the adequacy of this response and whether it constitutes a sufficient form of accountability for Auderer’s actions.

Many observers will consider the outcome of Auderer’s disciplinary hearing will serve as a litmus test for the department’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and justice in the face of tragedy.

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