Police Release E-Fit Image Of Robbery Suspect

Police Release E-Fit Image Of Robbery Suspect

By David Young-

Police in Bradford have released an e-fit image as part of their efforts to identify a suspect involved in a disturbing incident of robbery and assault.

The incident occurred on Water Lane around 4:30 pm on December 22, 2023, leaving a woman in her 50s injured and traumatized.

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According to Bradford District CID, the male suspect knocked the victim to the ground before assaulting her and stealing a quantity of cash. The suspect, described as possibly Turkish or Kurdish, in his late 30s, approximately 5ft 6ins tall, and broadly built, fled the scene after the robbery.

The release of the e-fit image comes as investigators seek assistance from the public in identifying the suspect. Officers are urging anyone who may have information related to the incident or recognizes the individual depicted in the image to come forward and aid ongoing enquiries.

Statistics regarding robbery incidents in Bradford or the wider UK underscore the significance of addressing such crimes. While specific figures for Bradford may vary, data from national crime reports reveal the prevalence of robberies across the country.

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In recent years, efforts to combat robbery and violent crime have been a priority for law enforcement agencies nationwide.

In light of this incident, authorities are reminding the public to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety, especially when out alone. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of reporting any suspicious activity or information that may assist in apprehending the perpetrator.

Individuals with relevant information are encouraged to contact Bradford District CID on 101, quoting crime number.

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