By Eric King-
Nostradamus and professor Allan Hitchman predicted Donald Trump’s victory accurately.
Nostradamus who died centuries ago, has always been a bit of a fascinating historical figure for his followers because of many of his baffling predictions, despite the fact he often communicated somewhat metaphorically when foretelling the future.
It has never been a problem for his followers or analysts to make out his coded predictions by looking at the names used in his predictions. Right from the announcement of president elect Trump’s decision to stand for presidency, there had been lots of material online highlighting the fact that Nostradamus had made clear reference to the word ”Trumpet” in his writings, showing him to be a clear winner of the recently battle ridden election campaign.
Nostradamus predicted Trump’s victory, but also said that president elect Trump will be impeached in his first term as president. Lots of observers and critics will be keeping a close look to see how accurate this will be. Nostradamus has accurately predicted many world events, but has not always been correct.
Nostradamus Predicts Trump
The eye of featured Nostradamus’s prediction on the eve of the elections, also highlighting the prediction made by professor Allan Hitchman, who has correctly predicted the election winners of the last 30 years. Hitchman does not claim to have any spectacular spiritual powers, but uses a set of 13 parameters, that include several characteristics like party cycle, scandal, and other interesting factors.

The Chinese Monkey, called Geda
So called prophets from the animal kingdom were also spot on in predicting these elections. The Chinese Monkey, called Geda from the tourist resort of Cheysha province in China also predicted Trump’s victory after a fruit was placed besides the cut out portraits of both Trump and Clinton. After some deliberation, the animal kissed president elect Trump’s portrait and planted it with a kiss, confirming her choice. Geda is often used to predict the outcome of European soccer matches , and is apparently so good, she is called ‘the king of the prophets.
Other notable predictors of the future like Baba Vanga, who accurately predicted that the 44th American president will be an African American, appears to have been wrong here, as she stated that the 44th president will also be the last. Baba Vanga is called the Nostradamus of Bulgaria. However, there are some who have interpreted this to mean that before Trump’s inauguration in January, a devastating nuclear war between America and Russia will occur, keeping Obama in power indefinitely, or that Obama will declare martial law and never leave office. Let’s hope they are wrong.
Predictors of the future are rarely ever 100% accurate all of the time, though some say this is just a reflection of the fact nobody is perfect, and that differences in accuracies of prediction are a reflection of differences in levels of the gift of prediction, just like anything else in life. However, Nostradamus and professor Allan Hitchman have a very good track record, at least with elections.