An Essex lap dancer who ended up in a mental ward after trying to kill herself because of her cheating boyfriend has told eye of Media that he means the world to her. 31 year old Katie Bowyer- a media studies University graduate- got cops to arrest her boyfriend after he bashed her up on Christmas day and smashed her telly to bits. Cops arrested ex boxer Damien Hilton, 27, a gypsy traveller from a fearsome family,  who was subsequently jailed for 3 months-out of which he served 11 months- for smashing her head against a wall and inflicting bite marks on her face.  The Essex man saw red when  Bowyer troubled him to get out of bed on Christmas morning after he told her he wanted to have more time in bed. In a rage, he further smashed up her 32 inch television screen and was ordered by the courts to compensate her for the damage.

 However, the aspiring model took him when he came out of jail for the sake of their new born child, Blake. 

Shortly after their reconciliation, Damien, who is a bit of ladies man, went off with Natalie Mackenzie, whose auntie is incidentally close friends with Katie’s mother, Alison Bowyer. Neither Damien, nor Katie or even Natalie, was aware of the connection between Natalie’s mother and Katie’s mother. What a small world!
When Katie’s mother found out, she informed Katie, who put a knife to her own throat in front of cops after they were called by neighbors about a disturbance in the area. Cops ordered that Katie- who has self harmed before on account of Damien- was sent to a mental institution  to protect her from herself.  She was later allowed to leave a day later, when she convinced staff that she was back to her senses.  The shocking story was broken to  eye of media by a mutual friend Bowyer and I share who lives in Colchester  Katie who initially resisted our publication of her story eventually yielded to talk to us when she realized we would run the story anyway.
Explaining her threat to kill herself, the mother of 2 explained ” I only went mad when because we have a child together and he was still shagging me at the time. I couldn’t believe that my mother knew her auntie, it made it all the more embarrassing for me. What made it worse was the fact that I had the girl wanted to meet up with me,  I wondered whether she wanted a smack in the mouth! I could not believe what was happening to me. Katie’s mother, Alison Bowyer, is not keen on Damien at all and has done her best to split the pair up, but all has been in vain. On hearing Katie had got back with Damien, Alison was very upset, but her anger was fueled further when she happened to know the mother of the woman with whom Damien was cheating
Asked how she could go back with a man who bashed her up, she explained ”I love him and he has promised not to do it again. He wants it to work with us, we have a child together. Katie admits it is not the first time her man has laid hands on her, but insists that he will change and that she is sometimes at fault in the arguments that lead to him hitting her.  We brought her attention to the story of  Shannon Javed who got killed by her boyfriend after he promised to change.  Damien will never kill me, she insists, he just has a hot temper and was often high on drugs at the time. He is kicking the habit now, he knows he has to grow up for the sake of our child.
Damien refused to meet up for a chat but gave his own perspective over the phone.  ” I told her I was seeing another girl but she still wanted to sick dick. That’s hardly my fault is?  Confronted about  the violence against his girlfriend that landed him in jail, he explains ” you only know one side of the story, but every story has two sides”. Asked to give his side of the story, he insisted ” I have only given this interview because my bird(girl ) insisted I say something. But let’s stick to the reason for your phone call. It’s about why she ended up in a mental ward, right? She ended up there because  she was jealous that another girl was with me. I went with Natalie because she is pretty and was putting it on a plate”. Katie let me down by putting me in jail. But why was he with both Natalie and the mother of his child, does he think it is the right way to behave? At the end of the day, I told Katie I was with Natalie and she still wanted me, I can’t be blamed if she then decides she wanted to end her own life over something like that.
We then confronted Damien with the fact that violence against women is inexcusable and has led to women getting killed, asking if his girlfriend does not face that risk. ” No she does not, I will never kill her. I was provoked on the occasion I attacked her, but like I said there is more to that story.  Its not for the public, I am only talking to you because I hear you are gonna put the story online anyway. Left to me we won’t be having this chat and that girl that told you about this is barred from Katie’s house, I have told her that.
Damien has since left Natalie and is with Katie alone.  Katie added ” he may have told me that he was with Natalie but I strongly objected to that. I was not aware he was still seeing her. I hope she is gutted that he is back with me alone now”. Katie recently attended a modelling shoot in London and is hoping to earn more money by modelling. She has a 10 year old daughter called Courtney who is top set at her  school in Temple Mills.   I have always seemed to make the wrong choices on men but I am really hoping Damien has changed now. One thing I am proud of is my daughter who is doing well at school. She will be taking her 11 plus next year to attend a grammar school. She has a bright future and I am guiding her on the things to look out for in a good man. I am sure she will make the right choice”.

The courts have banned Damien from attending the vicinity of Katie’s home, but the pair still meet at his parents home. Katie’s mother does not approve of their relationship, but Katie does not approve of her mum either. ”She pokes her nose where it is not wanted, we want her to just leave us alone, Katie added.

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