By Ben Kerrigan-
Jeremy Corbyn is about to launch its general election manifesto later today, calling it the “most radical and ambitious plan to transform our country in decades”.
Labour surprised former Conservative leader, Theresa May, when the party turned her expected victory to a hung parliament, forcing a coalition between the Tories and the DUP. Corbyn may see that good attempt as an inspiration to topple the Tories in these elections, but is trailing the Conservatives in the poll at the moment.
Polls are known to sometimes be misleading, so the Tories can’t afford to be complacent at all.
Corbyn plans to go for the super rich, and propose policies that work in the best interest of the ordinary citizen and against the rich. He plans to say that the fully costed and “popular” policies in his programme for government have long been opposed by the “super rich”.
Labour insiders say Corbyn plans to scrap university fees, reducing the working week and nationalising utilities.
“This is a manifesto of hope. A manifesto that will bring real change. A manifesto full of popular policies that the political establishment has blocked for a generation,” Corbyn will say, according to excerpts of his speech.
His policies include more cash for the NHS and tackling climate change, paid for by taxing higher earners and borrowing. Labour’s Brexit plan, including another referendum, will also be set out.
Among the policies expected to be confirmed at the launch are:
A “real living wage” of at least £10 an hour – including for younger workers. The biggest affordable house building programme since the 1960s – including 100,000 new council houses a year by 2024
The creation of one million “green jobs” to tackle climate change
Free broadband for all delivered by part-nationalising BT
The labour leader also plans to bring rail, mail, water and energy into public ownership. Corbyn is taking what his party brands ”a manifesto of hope” to Birmingham.
“Over the next three weeks, the most powerful people in Britain and their supporters are going to tell you that everything in this manifesto is impossible.
“That it’s too much for you. Because they don’t want real change. Why would they? The system is working just fine for them. It’s rigged in their favour.
“If the bankers, billionaires and the establishment thought we represented politics as usual, that we could be bought off, that nothing was really going to change, they wouldn’t attack us so ferociously. Why bother?
“But they know we mean what we say. They know we will deliver our plans, which is why they want to stop us being elected.”“Those policies are fully costed, with no tax increases for 95% of taxpayers.”