Jeffrey Epstein Made Special Provision To See Sarah Ferguson

Jeffrey Epstein Made Special Provision To See Sarah Ferguson

By Tony O’Reilly-

Jeffrey Epstein made special provision to see Prince Andrews ex wife, it has bene revealed.

According to a Daily Mail investigation, presidents, prime ministers, royalty and famous names previously not linked to Epstein are also featured in  emails and calendar entries.

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Fergie’s relationship with Epstein dates back to at least April 1998 when an entry on the flight logs for his private plane has him meeting her at Nassau airport in the Bahamas.

The log mentions that she was traveling with her children, apparently referring to Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, and they would be ‘on the ground’ when Epstein met them.

Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier and convicted sex offender, had connections to numerous high-profile individuals, including politicians, businessmen, and celebrities. One of the notable relationships he had was with Sarah Ferguson, also known as Fergie, the Duchess of York and the ex-wife of Prince Andrew, Duke of York.

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Ferguson and Epstein were known to be friends, and their relationship dates back to the early 1990s. It is believed that they first met through mutual acquaintances within elite social circles. Over the years, their friendship grew, and they were often seen together at social events and parties.

Their friendship faced significant public scrutiny when Epstein was arrested and charged with multiple counts of sex trafficking and sexual abuse of underage girls in 2005 and 2006. Despite the allegations against Epstein, Ferguson continued to maintain her friendship with him, which drew criticism and raised questions about her judgment.

In 2010, it was reported that Sarah Ferguson had accepted financial help from Epstein. She was captured on video discussing a £15,000 ($24,000) cash payment she had received from Epstein to help pay off her debts. The video was made public, causing embarrassment and leading to widespread criticism. Ferguson later issued a public apology, expressing regret for her actions and acknowledging that accepting money from Epstein was a grave mistake.

Following Epstein’s arrest in 2019 on federal sex trafficking charges, the controversy surrounding their association escalated. Epstein’s connections to Prince Andrew, Ferguson’s former husband, also came under scrutiny. Prince Andrew had been known to have a friendship with Epstein for many years, and their relationship raised questions about the prince’s involvement and knowledge of Epstein’s illicit activities.

In August 2019, Prince Andrew released a statement addressing his association with Epstein, stating that he was “appalled” by the accusations against Epstein and expressing regret for his association with him. The statement also mentioned that Prince Andrew had met with Epstein’s victims and offered his sympathy to them.

Sarah Ferguson has denied any knowledge of or involvement in Epstein’s criminal activities. She has maintained that her friendship with Epstein was based on his connections to influential individuals and her interest in his charitable endeavors. However, her association with Epstein, particularly in light of his criminal charges and conviction, has been a source of controversy and has had a significant impact on her public image.

In the aftermath of Epstein’s arrest and subsequent death by suicide in August 2019, both Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson have faced increased scrutiny. They have been subject to media attention, public criticism, and calls for them to provide further clarity on their associations with Epstein.

Sarah Ferguson has expressed regret and acknowledged her mistakes regarding her association with Epstein. She has publicly stated that she is “deeply sorry” for her error in judgment and that she fully supports the victims of Epstein’s crimes.

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