Everard: Metropolitan Police Under Pressure To Disclose Stats About Its Past  Convicted Staff Including Sexually Depraved Officers

Everard: Metropolitan Police Under Pressure To Disclose Stats About Its Past Convicted Staff Including Sexually Depraved Officers

By Gabriel Princewill-

The Metropolitan Police is under pressure to disclose details of its offending officers, having declined a request alongside other forces to a Freedom Of Information Request submitted by Sky News.

The Met’s FOI team told this publication it would respond within 20 days, yet its press office was unable to state why it could not present us with its declining response to Sky News, or with a full satisfactory response to our request.

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In the wake of the tragic killing of Sarah Everard by one of its former evil officers, Wayne Couzens,  a harsh light has been cast upon the Metropolitan Police and their handling of misconduct within their ranks. It was in light of Couzens sickening atrocities and the spate of criminal convictions of officers that the request was made to the Met for the stats.

Couzens managed to evade detection, despite several complaints made of improprieties made against him.

A report  by inquiry Lady Elish Angliolini cited inadequate training of police  and lack of motivation as the reason for the widespread failings in responding to previous complaints made against couzens.

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Why officers should need motivation to respond to complaints poses a curious question.

The report stated that evidence of his preference for violent and extreme pornography and history of alleged sexual offending dates back nearly 20 years prior to Sarah’s murder.

It added that the victims who were subject to his indecent exposures and who reported his offending were not taken sufficiently seriously by the police because the officers who responded to those victims were not adequately trained, equipped or motivated to investigate the allegations properly”.

The full implications of the aforementioned statement is both ambiguous and unsettling.  What motivation exactly police needed to investigate serious complaints against a police officer is anybody’s guess.

The police force has long been characterized by inherent cover ups and as the expense of integrity and competence.

The statistics by the co-operating forces have unearthed alarming statistics regarding the convictions of police officers across various forces in the UK.

As alarming as the findings are, it is unsurprising considering the existence of so many sexual predators in the police force at the time. How many more sexually demented officers are still hiding in the force remains unknown.

Notably absent from the disclosure to Sky News are statistical details from the Met Police, intensifying calls for transparency and accountability within the institution.

Meanwhile, the data obtained from 19 forces under the FOI request by Sky News has revealed a disturbing truth: at least 119 officers have been convicted of crimes in the three years following Ms. Everard’s tragic death.

Shockingly,  Sky News noted that these figures are likely to be underestimated as several forces, including the Met Police, failed to provide comprehensive details of officers’ convictions.

Among the convictions disclosed, the gravity of offenses committed by some officers is deeply troubling. The statistics reveal convictions for offenses ranging from assault and battery to rape, sexual assault, and even crimes against children.

Such revelations shake the public’s trust in law enforcement and highlight the urgent need for thorough scrutiny of police conduct.

What is particularly alarming is  why the Met Police has refused to disclose statistical details of its convicted officers.

This refusal becomes even more concerning in light of the fact that Wayne Couzens, the perpetrator of Sarah Everard’s murder, was formerly a member of their force.

Representatives of the Met Police were today  unable to tell The Eye Of Media.Com exactly why its force was holding back on the requested statistics.

We were directed to the Met’s FOI department to present our own requests, which we have done.

An obvious guess  for the evasion is that of damage control- to prevent further alarming the public.

Yet,  the reluctance of the Met Police to disclose crucial information regarding convicted officers highlights a systemic issue within law enforcement: a lack of transparency and accountability.

Central to the request is the public’s right to know about the conduct of those entrusted with upholding the law is fundamental to maintaining trust in the justice system.

This request marks a pivotal moment in the quest for accountability within the institution. The Met Police must recognize the importance of transparency and promptly disclose the requested information.

Accountability is not merely a matter of public relations; it is essential for ensuring justice is served and that those who betray the trust placed in them are held accountable for their actions.

The evasiveness of the Met Police to release statistical details of convicted officers  may be seen to undermine efforts to rebuild trust and perpetuates a culture of secrecy within law enforcement.

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As the guardians of law and order, the police is expected to lead by example.

It is imperative that transparency is not viewed as an inconvenience but as a necessary step towards restoring public confidence in the integrity of law enforcement.

The Met Police, along with other forces across the UK, must heed the calls for accountability and take meaningful steps towards fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within their ranks.

Alhough Britain’s biggest police force is believed to be made up of more honourable and law abiding officers than corrupt ones; the latter group invariably tarnishing its reputation over the years.

But it’s failure to eradicate the dangerous criminals in its midst has long been a cause for concern.

Notwithstanding, this publication will push for accountability to the end, and have alerted the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)- the body charged with the task of scrutinizing organizations that  decline attempts to respond to Freedom of Information Requests.

A spokesperson for the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) told The Eye Of Media.Com: ” The Metropolitan Police like any public authority may refused a request where a specific exemption applies or where the information requested is covered by a “qualified exemption” and the public interest in non-disclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

If the force decline to respond to the request sent to them, they will be required by law to state the grounds on which they are declining to disclose the information, and we can assess those reasons when and  the time comes”

In the memory of Sarah Everard and all those who have been failed by the very institution meant to protect them, it is imperative that the Met Police and other law enforcement agencies prioritize transparency and accountability.

Only through openness and a commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity can trust in the police be restored, and justice truly served.

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