Doctor Diagnoses Hillary Clinton With Pneumonia

Doctor Diagnoses Hillary Clinton With Pneumonia

Aaron Miller-.

Hillary Clinton’s doctor’s announcement that Clinton has pneumonia is disturbing. Her announcement yesterday, Sunday, came after Clinton left a 9/11 commemoration early, after coughing out dodgy green moving objects into a glass.

The ceremony was to mark the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, but the video showed Clinton struggling to maintain her balance as a pair of secret agents lifted her into a van. Her doctor told the media that the incident was related to pneumonia and dehydration.

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doctor”Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies. On Thursday, during follow-up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia, Dr Lisa R.Bardack stated. She was put on antibiotics and asked to rest and modify her schedule. Whilst at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated”.
Many outlandish theories as to what made her cough, has been circulating on the net. They are cruel and ill-founded. They will probably find that Clinton needs a good rest
Hillary had joked to the crowd that every time she thinks about Donald Trump, she becomes allergic. Those comments drew laughter from the crowd, shocked by her seeming illness, but amused by her joke.
Clinton’s health has been topical in the past, and used to question her suitability for the world’s top job in the White House. The health of any countries president is very important, and team Clinton has been quick to rubbish any suggestions that her health is below standard.
The news comes not long after Clinton condemned Trump’s supporters as a bunch of deplorable racists, homophobes, and sexists.
Donald Trump and his supporters have  cast doubts about Mrs. Clinton’s health in recent months. making reference to her recurring cough and wrote;once requesting on Twitter that month that “both candidates” should “release detailed medical records” (Mr. Trump has issued only a limited summary of his own health).
Clinton’s campaign has been dogged with one controversy after another- the inquiry into her use of a private email server during her time as U.S Secretary Of State, sparking debate and commentary about its implications to her campaign.
Despite this, many will still expect her to continue to lead the polls even if by a narrower margin than was previously the case.  The wife of the former President Of the U.S, Bill Clinton, seems more measured in discretion and temperament than Donald Trump.The key factor will be an observance of clear progress in her recuperation.
This latest incident could influence American opinion polls, if Clinton’s health becomes a hot election issue. In the meantime, the world will reluctantly take the words of Clinton’s doctor, whilst carefully observing her on a continuous basis.
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