Boss Of Birmingham Dogs Home Arrested For Nicking £450,000

Boss Of Birmingham Dogs Home Arrested For Nicking £450,000

By James Simons-

The boss of Birmingham’s dogs home has been arrested  for nicking £450,000 pounds.

Chief executive Simon price was arrested at Birmingham Airport arriving from a holiday in Spain where he is thought to have been enjoying some of the money. Trustees questioned him in September after becoming very  concerned and alarmed about the missing loot, most of which came from dog lovers who left lots of money in their wills to go to the charity to look after dogs.

Dogs are close to many people’s heart , so it is no surprise that some people go as far as to leaving so much money with dog charities. Price has not been charged by police, but the consensus at the long-running Birmingham  dog’s home is that Price took the money and has it somewhere only he knows about.

Bosses of charity organisations are supposed to be held in high regard and trusted to be above board in their conduct, but somebody has definitely pocketed nearly £1/2m of financial donations meant for the interests of dogs. The thief in this situation appears to believe that the amount of  money floating in the charity is just too much to all go to dogs, and decided to pull a fast one which they thought they could get away with.

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News of the arrest was initially kept low key but eventually leaked out, with many other donors concerned whether their donations will go to waste. The fact that the bulk of the donations were from the wills of dead people  comes as bad news to the families of those individuals, but any potential donors to the charity or other charities, may now think twice about the risk of their money being illegitimately taken by some unscrupulous boss sitting at the top of the tree.

Authorities at Birmingham dogs home have earnestly been assuring public donors and dog lovers, that the dogs under their care are being thoroughly looked after, despite the huge cash illegally sucked out of its funds.  Birmingham dog’s home has not said how much funds they have floating around to look after the rest of their dogs, but the grand theft has left the entire team of staff shocked and bitterly disappointed. Police are probing Price intensely, using police intelligence to surf his entire dealings and possessions.

They would need solid evidence to bring any charges, but in the meantime, Birmingham dog’s home will just have to count their losses and hope for some kind of justice and future donations.

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