Asylum Seeker Assault Is Shameful

Asylum Seeker Assault Is Shameful

By Ashley Young

The attack on an Asylum seeker in Britain waiting for a bus is a shameful reflection of ignorant and racist attitude in some quarters.

11 people altogether have been arrested, with one charged with causing grievous bodily harm

Racial attacks have been up since Brexit, in a sad reflection of the spread of ignorant attitudes among some groups of people. The issues of Brexit are deeper than the violent actions displayed by these gang of buffoons who thought it was alright to descend upon a vulnerable foreign young man.


Violence does not solve anything, and in this case, it only shows the level of stupidity shown by these gang of brutes. There is every chance they were either high on drugs or alcohol, the police are still investigating all the circumstances surrounding the attack.

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The fact the victim was not known at all to the attackers confirms the evil extent of their hearts. Descending on an individual just for being foreign, shows the level of selfishness, wickedness, and in-consideration of these thugs who must have got a kick for victimizing a foreigner.

As disgusting as the offence is, we just have to trust the legal system to punish the perpetrators of this attack with the maximum punishment available to match the crime. An example needs to be made of fools with no brains who just act without thinking it caring about the consequences of their actions.

It needs to be made clear that ordinary EU nationals in Britain must not be treated in any way Brits would not want to see English expats treated in EU countries. Brexit negotiations are challenging as it is.

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The best outcome that can emerge from a divisive referendum is a united approach and attitude towards a Brexit which should hopefully work out, or have the clock turned back on it, if leaving the EU proves disastrous. We will probably know better after the first couple of years following our exit.

EU nationals did not ask to be in the situation they find themselves, only a blind heart will fail to acknowledge this and instead hope it all works out for the better.

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