Armed Police Chase Car Which Crashed In Mile End

Armed Police Chase Car Which Crashed In Mile End

By Eric King-

Armed Police chased a car until it crashed into parked cars in Mile end. Strangely, all the occupants got out unhurt and fled the scene.

Emergency services were simultaneously deployed in anticipation of serious injury. Two of the armed suspects in the car were later caught, as a helicopter hovered over Burnett Road in an attempt to track the suspects.

The armed Police deployment was as a result of an alleged hostage situation in which someone was held against their will by armed men in the car.

However, even the victim must have been terrified as the vehicle he was in involved in the aggressive chase that could have resulted in a fatal outcome.

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Most of the time people are held hostage at gunpoint is drug related, though people have been known to be held hostage over financial debts.

There are not many people who would oppose a command at gunpoint to follow certain instructions, despite the fact the eventual outcome is likely to end dangerously.

Mile end and the neighbouring area of Bow Road, have a number of notorious gangs involved in drugs with violent associates from other parts of the country.

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A resident of mile end who witnessed some.of the chase told the eye ” it seemed like something out of a movie. The speed of the police car and the car running away was phenomenal.

“It seemed obvious to me that it would end in a crash, a fatal crash. it is surprising that anyone survived that sort of extreme chase”.

Many police chases have ended up in a crash, so nothing new. It is those unconnected and purely innocent motorists whose cars are written off because of a crash that had nothing to do with them.

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