Why Alcohol Causes Cancer

Why Alcohol Causes Cancer

By Charlotte Webster-

Alcohol causes cancer, but not many people seem to know this fact. Most people think of smoking as the sole and main cause of cancer.  However, the more alcohol you drink, the higher the risk you take of catching cancer.

It goes without saying that there are many who drink or smoke who will never catch cancer, but it is equally impossible to tell if you are one of those.

Ialcoholn relation to the causal element, all alcoholic drinks, from beer to wine, and spirits,  all have more than a little possibility of causing cancer. Although the risks are higher the more regularly we consume alcoholic content, consistent drinking of alcohol exposes drinkers to the risk, no matter how moderately we drink.

This sounds like bad news to alcohol lovers, many of whom are enjoying the glorious weather with a few glasses of wine. It gets worse for serial beer or vodka drinkers, because the more you drink , the greater the chances of you catching cancer from the alcohol content.  Close to 13,000 cases of cancer , arising from alcohol are  recorded every year, according to cancer research UK.  Those who combine smoking with drinking, simply don’t care if they catch cancer. There is no other way of putting it. The probability of catching cancer goes up about 5 times, when these two habits are mixed together on a regular basis.

Drinking just a pint of premium larger daily, increases the  risk of mouth, throat, breast and oesophageal cancer. Liver cancer, bowel cancer, and Laryngeal cancer (the voice box) are all caused by regularly drinking.  When the voice box becomes so affected by either smoke or alcohol abuse, it sometimes causes a rough husky voice, which some may find sexy to the ears. However, a more serious issue may be occurring, so an urgent check up may be necessary.

Alcohol is used recreationally in many social circles today. The poison it does is highly understated. The fact warnings about the dangers of cancer arising from alcohol has not been sounded in the same way as cigarettes is disappointing. Perhaps the spreading of such information is bad for business, yet it still needs to be told.  Children need to be educated about the dangers of alcohol, not that this will necessarily stop them from indulging as teenagers. They still need to be told.

It is quite surprising that many people perceive alcohol as only potentially linked to kidney or liver failure, when its link to cancer is scientifically proven. Modern day advances in  medical science has led to more ways of curing cancer or keeping it in check. However, that’s when it comes to the attention of the patient early enough, and that depends on the complexity of the particular type of cancer.  There are different types of cancer, and alcohol causes 7 different types of cancer potentially. The higher the number of different types of cancer one has, the more challenging any medical operation to combat it. It is very important for drinkers to be aware of what they are doing because there are far more drinkers, especially occasional drinkers, who are aware of the dangers of alcohol. It is safe to assume that all smokers know the risks they are taking, but choose to continue taking them, or feel powerless to stop due to addiction.

Anyone with the capability and will power of addressing their tendency to drink or smoke regularly, should attend to it as a matter of urgency for the sake of their own health. You should beware of those who say  ”you will die one day anyway”, or ”you could get hit by a bus tomorrow”, as an excuse to live dangerously when it comes to their lifestyle. This mentality is unhealthy and has been going on for years. It was started by reckless minded people, and is spread by reckless minded people.  The fact that life poses its own risks, does not mean you should live a life of self inflicted problems.  Even in nice weather or great company, it is worth remembering that alcohol does cause cancer.

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