what President Elect Trump And Obama Talked About For An Hour

what President Elect Trump And Obama Talked About For An Hour


By Amy Maynard-

President-elect  Trump And Barack Obama Talked for one hour about transition talks at the White House.

What exactly did they talk about? The U.S president-elect said it was a great honour to meet president Barack Obama, and Obama said he was encouraged by their ”excellent’ ‘and ”wide ranging” discussion. It doesn’t much to guess what the wide-ranging discussion must have been about.

One of the topics they would have talked about would have been about top secrets, traditionally handed down to all future presidents. Another may have been a mature conversation between president-elect trump and Obama to clear the air about the so many uncomplimentary comments made about each other during the presidential campaign. Trump is on record discrediting Obama care, referring to him as the worst president in history,whilst Obama frequently expressed Donald Trump’s unfitness for office, saying Trump was ”uniquely unqualified”. Trump may have told Obama he would prove his fitness for office during his reign as president.

They may have laughed it off, or ignored it and got straight to serious issues. We may never know for sure what they talked about How about the several demonstrations that took place following Trump’s victory? There also exists Trump’s radical plans to impose a complete ban on Muslims, his plans to change gun laws, take away LGBT rights,President-elect Trump’s plan to change abortion laws, the expected relationship with Russia, and many more.These sensitive and important topics must have been raised unless Obama in his judgment felt the need not to interfere with President-elect Trump’s policy plans completely.It would be very consistent with the convictions of any strong and insightful leader with conviction to at least raise in discourse, any serious concerns about worrying laws their successor plans to make, and the potential consequences they may have.

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U.S President-elect Donald Trump has said it was a “great honour” to meet President Barack Obama for transition talks at the White House. After their behind-closed-doors meeting in the White House, Mr Obama said: “My number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful.”
Obama confirmed they had discussed domestic and foreign policy and said he had been “very encouraged” by Mr Trump’s interest in working with President Obama’s team on issues facing the US.

President Elect

President-elect Trump’s confirmation that he would “very much look forward” to dealing with President Obama in future was a refreshing improvement on what had appeared to be an irreversibly bad relationship between the two political figures
“I have great respect, the meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half, and it could’ve, as far as I’m concerned, it could’ve gone on for a lot longer,” the president-elect said.”We discussed a lot of different situations – some wonderful and some difficulties.”

President-elect Trump flew from New York on his private jet to Reagan National Airport, just outside the nation’s capital.

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The president-elect was accompanied by his beautiful wife, Melania, who had a meeting with First Lady Michelle Obama. The meeting followed the very warm and graceful speech by Hilary Clinton, who gave her all in a very strong and purposeful campaign dogged by scandal and controversy. President-elect Trump and Obama must have talked about the very divisive campaign, the painful aftermath, and how Trump can try and unite America again. It will be assumed that president-elect Trump will not pursue any further investigations of Hilary’s emails or his initial plan to try and put her in jail. That would be re-opening old wounds that desperately need to heal.

Hilary Clinton must privately be angry with the FBI’s late revival of the email investigations, previously concluded to require no further probing because of the absence of any evident criminality in the emails. Yet, it can safely be stated that Clinton will harbour deep resentment against Julian Assange, for the relentless bombardment of the WikiLeaks revelations into her emails which were hacked by an unknown source, conveniently blamed on the Russian authorities.

President-elect Trump and President Obama must have talked about this during their one hoir long discussion, with the highly probable chance that Obama warned Trump not to trust Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Trump will have listened carefully, but will have his own private views on how he wants to approach Russia and Putin. It is rational to assume that Trump has a much better chance of developing a better relationship with Putin than Clinton would have had, though the difficulty in assessing whose approach will be more beneficiary to the United States and the world enlarge lies on the fact that any theoretical assessment in this light is wholly hypothetical.


Passionate demonstrations in Oakland, California, led to some shop windows being smashed and missiles hurled at riot police, who responded with tear gas on the disgruntled crowd.

In Chicago, crowds blocked the entrance to Trump Tower, chanting: “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascists USA”
Protests also took place in Washington DC, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon

President Trump had challenged the legitimacy of Mr Obama’s presidency through the “birther” movement, which falsely claimed the president was actually born outside the US.The businessman also called Mr Obama “the worst president in the history of the United States”. Their long discussion concluded to have been encoraging, is indeed intriguing, but most importantly shows maturity on the part of both President elect Trump and Presdient Obama. The way Hilary Clinton, President Obama, and President elect Trump dealt with their differences,is the mature way all human beings in different walks of lives should deal with their differences, and concentrate on a progressive approach to making a brighter future.


Hilary Clinton deserves all the respect and admiration for her powerful speech, which cannot be praised enogh. Clinton is a treasure to the world of women, no matter what anyone may think about her weaknesses or failings. My heart really goes out to her at this difficult and emotional time.

The way Hilary Clinton, President Obama, and President elect Trump dealt with their differences,is the mature way all human beings in different walks of lives should deal with their differences, and concentrate on a progressive approach to making a brighter future. Hilary Clinton deserves all the respect and admiration for her powerful speech, which cannot be praised enogh. Clinton is a treasure to the world of women, no matter what anyone may think about her weaknesses or failings. My heart really goes out to her at this difficult and emotional time.


The president-elect’s transition team for the 10-week period until inauguration will be led by Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey. Presdent elect Trump will have a very challenging leadership ahead, but as Hilary Clinton requested, we must have an open mind towards his leadership. Trump may eventually be persuaded against some of his plans, or may express some wisdom in explaining why he feels the need to take those deicisons. Apparent predictions from Nostradamous and others about the form his presidency will take is not one that should be fully embraced. These fortune tellers do not get everything right, and have made serious errors in the past on some occassions. It is also a question of interpretaion how we take the so-called prophecies of these soothsayers. Only the future itself will tell us what it holds for President elect Trump, America, and the rest

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