UK Government Unveils £17m To Address Rough Sleeping In England

UK Government Unveils £17m To Address Rough Sleeping In England

By Charlotte Webster-

The UK government has unveiled a £17 million funding initiative aimed at assisting hundreds of rough sleepers across England. This funding is designed to provide immediate relief during the winter months and establish long-term, secure accommodations for those in need.

Local authorities identified as most in need will receive a portion of the £17 million fund, creating additional bed spaces for rough sleepers this winter and facilitating stable, long-term housing. London boroughs, including Hammersmith, Lambeth, and Greenwich, collectively received over £3 million, emphasizing the government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in the capital.

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Other areas, such as Nottingham City Council, Bristol City Council, and Hastings & Eastbourne Borough Councils, have also received substantial funding to support local initiatives.

This funding injection brings the total allocated to the Rough Sleeping Initiative to an impressive £547 million. This initiative is part of a broader support package, backed by over £2 billion of government funding over three years. The comprehensive approach includes measures to help individuals find employment, manage finances, and access essential mental and physical health services.

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Minister for Rough Sleeping Reaffirms Commitment

Felicity Buchan, the Minister for Rough Sleeping, emphasized the urgency of the mission, particularly during the winter season. The government remains resolute in delivering its manifesto pledge to end rough sleeping.

Buchan stated: “Our mission to help people off the streets is even more urgent as the cold weather continues this winter.” She highlighted the government’s commitment to supporting the most vulnerable in society, providing access to safe and warm homes, backed by over £2 billion of government funding over three years.

Addressing Immediate Pressures

Recognizing the heightened risk faced by rough sleepers during the winter, the funding package includes £4 million specifically allocated to local authorities facing the greatest pressures in combating rough sleeping in England. This strategic approach aims to address immediate needs while also establishing sustainable, long-term solutions.

Success of Housing First Pilots

Simultaneously, over 1,000 people have found housing through the successful Housing First Pilots in Liverpool City Region, Greater Manchester, and the West Midlands Combined Authority. The initiative has reported a success rate of 92%, with participants finding a home within a year. Those housed through the scheme reported feeling safer, less likely to be victims of crime, and less likely to be involved in antisocial behavior.

Public Engagement through StreetLink Campaign

In order to further involve the public in addressing homelessness, the government encourages participation in the StreetLink campaign. This initiative allows members of the public to alert local council outreach workers when they encounter someone sleeping rough. The government’s manifesto commitment to ending rough sleeping in this parliament aligns with the goal of preventing rough sleeping wherever possible.

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