Philosophy Student Guilty Of Murdering Fiancee With Car

Philosophy Student Guilty Of Murdering Fiancee With Car

By Lucy Caulkett-

Rode Heath, Cheshire- A 23-year-old philosophy student, Alice Wood,(pictured) has been found guilty of murdering her 24-year-old fiancé, Ryan Watson.

The tragic incident occurred on May 6 last year when Wood, described as having “lost her temper,” used her Ford Fiesta as a weapon to hit Watson near the home they shared.

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Wood, who denied murder and an alternative count of manslaughter, claimed the incident was a “tragic accident.” However, the jury at Chester Crown Court returned a unanimous guilty verdict after less than eight hours of deliberation.

The court heard that the couple, engaged after starting a relationship in March 2020, attended a party in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, with staff and service users of the brain injury charity Headway, where Watson worked as a support worker. CCTV footage from the party showed Watson having a good time, while Wood was described by a witness as “a bit cold.”

On their way home from the party, an argument ensued between the couple, escalating when Wood drove Watson home despite being over the drink-drive limit. Wood claimed Watson accused her of flirting with other men, leading to a heated exchange.

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As the argument intensified, Wood reversed her vehicle, hitting Watson’s car, a bin, and a bollard. The situation took a sinister turn when CCTV footage showed Wood deliberately driving towards Watson on Sandbach Road, striking him and knocking him underneath the car before driving away.


Ryan Watson

Ryan Watson died aged 23                  Image:   Cheshire Police

During the trial, prosecutor Andrew Ford stated that Wood “lost her temper” and “used the car as a weapon.” Wood, preparing for final exams in a theology, philosophy, and ethics degree at the time, has been awarded the degree based on the material she had already produced. She had a scholarship for a part-time research master’s at Cambridge.

Wood is now facing a life sentence as Judge Michael Leeming told her she “may never be released.” Sentencing is scheduled for January 29. Detective Inspector Nigel Parr commended the investigation, emphasizing that Wood used her vehicle as a weapon while under the influence of alcohol.

David Jones, senior crown prosecutor at CPS Mersey-Cheshire, described the incident as a “tragic loss of life” and highlighted Wood’s jealousy as the motivation behind the brutal act.

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