Former  Hong Kong Student Activist Flees To UK For Asylum

Former Hong Kong Student Activist Flees To UK For Asylum

By David Young-

Tony Chung, the former leader of the disbanded pro-independence group Studentlocalism in Hong Kong, has fled to Britain and announced his intention to seek asylum.

Tony Chung, 23, (pictured)who faced imprisonment under China’s national security law, disclosed the traumatic experiences of detention and the pressure to conform to the authorities’ narrative.

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In November 2021, Chung received a 43-month prison sentence for charges related to attempting to separate Hong Kong from China and money laundering.

The charges were brought under the sweeping national security law imposed by Beijing in 2020, following months of widespread anti-government protests in the region.

The law allows for severe punishment, including life imprisonment, for offenses such as subversion, secession, collusion with foreign forces, and extremism.

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Chung, now in exile, spoke to the Washington Post, revealing the immense pressure and fear he experienced during his time in detention. The continued surveillance and compulsory “deradicalisation” program, which he was forced to undergo, contributed to his decision to flee.

Chung described how guards repeatedly portrayed the United States government as manipulative, creating an environment where disagreement or argument was stifled.

“We felt like we had to agree with them, that we couldn’t disagree or argue back,” Chung expressed, shedding light on the psychological tactics employed during his detention. His release in June 2023, with a reduction in time for good behavior, marked the end of his incarceration.

Chung, undeterred by his past experiences, has vowed to seek asylum in the United Kingdom. Despite the challenges faced by many activists in exile, he remains determined to contribute to the cause of Hong Kong’s autonomy and independence, echoing his commitment from before.

In exile, Chung plans to resume his studies and continue his activism from a safer vantage point. The Studentlocalism group, of which he was a leader before its dissolution in 2020, had been at the forefront of the pro-independence movement in Hong Kong.

The national security law, imposed by China on Hong Kong, has been widely criticized for stifling dissent and undermining the autonomy promised to the region after its return to Chinese rule in 1997.

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