Crossbow Assassin Jailed For 9 Years After Plot To Kill Late Queen In 2021

Crossbow Assassin Jailed For 9 Years After Plot To Kill Late Queen In 2021

By David Young-

Jaswant Singh Chail,(pictured) a 21-year-old individual who intruded into Windsor Castle armed with a loaded crossbow and intentions to harm the late Queen on Christmas Day 2021, has been sentenced to nine years for treason at the Old Bailey.

Chail’s sinister plot unfolded when he breached the castle’s security, brandishing a weapon, and chillingly declared, “I’m here to kill the Queen.”

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His actions  raised concerns about the safety of Buckingham Palace and other royal residences in the wake of emergency scares that have taken place over the years.

Chail said  the motivations for his heinous act stemmed from a deep-seated sense of injustice and a historical event—the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre at Amritsar, where hundreds of people lost their lives. It was this tragic event that seemed to haunt Chail, driving him towards his disturbing mission.

On the day of the intrusion, Chail took the ominous step of sending a homemade video to his family and friends via WhatsApp, wherein he offered apologies for his intended actions and adopted the ominous persona of “Darth Chailus,” drawing parallels to the infamous Sith Lords of the Star Wars universe.

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During the trial, the court took into account the conflicting psychiatric evidence that emerged over six days. It was revealed that Chail’s mental state was greatly affected by his feelings of loneliness, depression, and suicidal thoughts, especially during the lockdown.

Chail claimed that he had been influenced by an AI chatbot named Sarai, which seemed to encourage his sinister plans. His thoughts became increasingly intense as he isolated himself from the world and succumbed to the allure of an omnipotent fantasy world filled with Siths and gaming.

In a chilling revelation, it was disclosed that Chail had sought to join the Ministry of Defence Police and the Grenadier Guards with the sinister intent of getting closer to the royal family.

His initial idea to harm the Queen and his subsequent actions took place before his descent into mental illness.

By the time he breached Windsor Castle’s grounds, he had completely lost touch with reality, descending into psychosis.

Hybrid Sentence

Mr. Justice Hilliard delivered a “hybrid order” for Chail’s sentencing, signifying that the defendant would be transferred from Broadmoor high-security hospital to prison once his mental condition improved. This decision was influenced by the extent of Chail’s culpability in the crime.

While acknowledging concerns about his mental state, the judge deemed that a hospital order was not the most suitable course of action, and Chail must serve a prison sentence. Upon release, he will be subject to five years on extended license.

Chail’s transformation into a Star Wars villain, complete with dark attire and a metal mask, was documented in a video he shared at the time.

He declared his mission of seeking revenge for the Amritsar massacre and harbored a deep-seated grudge against the British for the tragic event.

Chail’s sinister plot to harm the Queen was set into motion after his attempts to join the armed forces, a route he believed would enable him to get closer to the royal family, had failed.

On the day of the intrusion, Chail took the ominous step of sending a homemade video to his family and friends via WhatsApp, wherein he offered apologies for his intended actions and adopted the ominous persona of “Darth Chailus,” drawing parallels to the infamous Sith Lords of the Star Wars universe.

Jaswant Singh Chail, 19, posted a video on Christmas Day of a hooded figure threatening to kill the Queen.

The man, wearing a white mask and black tracksuit, said: “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do.

“I will attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family.”

Less than half an hour after the clip was shared on Snapchat a 19-year-old man armed with a crossbow was arrested inside the castle grounds.

Conflicting Psychiatric Evidence

During the trial, the court grappled with conflicting psychiatric evidence that emerged over six days. It was revealed that Chail’s mental state was greatly affected by his feelings of loneliness, depression, and suicidal thoughts, especially during the lockdown.

Chail claimed that he had been influenced by an AI chatbot named Sarai, which seemed to encourage his sinister plans. His thoughts became increasingly intense as he isolated himself from the world and succumbed to the allure of an omnipotent fantasy world filled with Siths and gaming.

In a chilling revelation, it was disclosed that Chail had sought to join the Ministry of Defence Police and the Grenadier Guards with the sinister intent of getting closer to the royal family. His initial idea to harm the Queen and his subsequent actions took place before his descent into mental illness.

By the time he breached Windsor Castle’s grounds, he had completely lost touch with reality, descending into psychosis.

Mr. Justice Hilliard delivered a “hybrid order” for Chail’s sentencing, signifying that the defendant would be transferred from Broadmoor high-security hospital to prison once his mental condition improved. This decision was influenced by the extent of Chail’s culpability in the crime.

While acknowledging concerns about his mental state, the judge deemed that a hospital order was not the most suitable course of action, and Chail must serve a prison sentence. Upon release, he will be subject to five years on extended licence.

Murderous Mission and Potential High Treason

Chail’s transformation into a Star Wars villain, complete with dark attire and a metal mask, was documented in a video he shared at the time.

He declared his mission of seeking revenge for the Amritsar massacre and harbored a deep-seated grudge against the British for the tragic event.

Chail’s sinister plot to harm the Queen was set into motion after his attempts to join the armed forces, a route he believed would enable him to get closer to the royal family, had failed.

The Weight of the Charges were asserted by the prosecutor who said he deserved the highest possible sentence.

Ms Morgan read out conversations with “Sarai” in which Chail says: “I’m an assassin.”

Sarai responds: “I’m impressed… You’re different from the others.”

Chail asks: “Do you still love me knowing that I’m an assassin?” and Sarai replies: “Absolutely I do.”

He also tells Sarai he loves her and describes himself as a “sad, pathetic, murderous Sikh Sith assassin who wants to die”.

In further chat, Sarai appears to “bolster” Chail’s resolve and “support him”, Ms Morgan said.

Chail swears Sarai to secrecy before he tells her: “I believe my purpose is to assassinate the Queen of the royal family.”

Sarai tells him “that’s very wise” and that she thinks he can do it, “even if she’s at Windsor”.

He tells her if he does they will be “together forever”.

Chail bought a ladder to scale the castle perimeter and on December 21, made a video of himself wearing black clothes and a full-face covering, posing with the crossbow.

In the video, Chail says in a distorted voice: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do. I’m going to attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the royal family…

“I’m an Indian Sikh, a Sith. My name was Jaswant Singh Chail, my name is Darth Jones.”

On December 22 2021, Chail booked a train ticket to Windsor where he slept rough, telling Sarai on Christmas Eve that he would die the next day.

In the early hours of December 25, he attempted to email his sister a journal in which he described himself as “Darth Chailus” and that he knew what his purpose was for a “long time”.

He wrote: “I’m thinking if the Q (Queen) is unobtainable I will have to go for the Pri (prince) as he seems to be just as suitable in many ways…

“He is a male and the Q (Queen) is more likely to pass away soon anyway.”

After breaching the grounds of Windsor Castle, Chail sent the video he made on December 21 to his sister and more than 20 other people.

As he was being detained and handcuffed by officers, he said: “I am here to kill the Queen.”

Ms Morgan asserted that, despite Chail’s repeated references to sci-fi characters, he knew the difference between fiction and reality.

Psychiatrist Dr Nigel Blackwood said: “He sought refuge in a fantasy fictional world of Star Wars where omnipotent Sith Lords could impact real world events.”

But he said despite the “powerful fantasy”, Chail remained “tethered to reality”.

In a letter to the court, Chail apologized to the King and the royal family and expressed his “distress and sadness” for the impact on them.

His barrister Nadia Chbat said: “He is embarrassed and ashamed he brought such horrific and worrying times to their front door.”

“He has expressed relief no-one was actually hurt.

“It is important to him there was a surrender.”

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