Cover Up Fears: Grieving Widow Seeks Therapy Over Deep Trauma Of Husband’s Death Following Hospital Needle Operation Gone Wrong

Cover Up Fears: Grieving Widow Seeks Therapy Over Deep Trauma Of Husband’s Death Following Hospital Needle Operation Gone Wrong

By Lucy Caulkett-

Ellie Sayers, the grieving widow of Tony Sayers, is seeking therapy to cope with the anguish and trauma of her husband’s death, as she desperately seeks for answers.

Friends of the Ms Sayers told the Eye Of Media.Com by phone today that the grieving widow is to undergo therapy after struggling to come to terms with her husband’s death because of the mysterious way it occurred, and the ongoing delay in furnishing her with an explanation of why he died.

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Tony Sayers, 61,  passed away following a fatal blunder after a needle operation went wrong at Southend Hospital in April, when he went there to have an infection on his arm treated.

The operation ruptured his arteries, but Tony stayed at the hospital for  abut 3 weeks where he constantly complained of inadequate care by medical staff.

He was eventually transferred to Basildon hospital, where he continued to complain of inadequate care.

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On one occasion while at the hospital, he was so disturbed by the alleged lack of care that he escaped from hospital and climbed up the top of a scaffolding building to protest.

A close friend of Ellie Sayers, who also knew Tony, contacted this publication on behalf of her friend to find out if there was any news from the hospital, explaining his death.

Any news from the hospital is expected to get to Ms Sayers first, but our investigation of the story has led her to hope we may obtain information before she does. Far from true.

Shelly, who  insists on withholding her surname, said: ”Ellie is not handling this very well, it is a very difficult time for her. She continues to express concern about what looks like a high possibility of a cover up over Tony’s death.

‘I mean you guys have contacted the hospital, and the MP has intervened, but still nothing concrete coming back.

‘Tony has been dead nearly six months now, it’s scary’

‘The trauma she is feeling is impossible to describe.

”It is a living nightmare when you lose someone and have recurrent dreams in which your lost loved one appears to be alive and discussing all sorts, only to wake up to continue reliving the nightmare of the reality.

‘She lives alone, but we have had to get her to stay with her sister for a while. I normally go and see her almost every day to make sure she is alright

‘She is convinced some level of cover up has been going on

‘Especially considering how long it took the local press press to cover her husband’s death.

‘A long silence from everyone after a a fatal blunder, and you can see why this is having such a daily massive impact on her

Shelly herself visited Tony when he was in hospital and spoke about what she witnessed.

‘There did not seem to be any empathy or professionalism in the way he was treated.

‘He would sometimes wake up and find a medical professional treating his arm, when one would expect them to wake him up first and infirm him what they are about to do

‘Tony was complaining all the time about the poor care he was receiving

‘Before he died he wrote to the head of the hospital to complain abut the care he was receiving, she said.

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The fact Ellie is still in the dark about the events that led to Tony’s untimely demise is clearly intensifying her pain and raising her suspicions.

The weight of unanswered questions and the eerie silence is said to be taking a toll on Ellie’s mental and emotional well-being, as she desperately awaits answers.

Southend hospital told this publication that it is undergoing an investigation.

Southend MP James Duddridge has made representations on her behalf and is awaiting a response from the hospital

A coroner’s inquest over Tony Sayer;s death is scheduled for May 28, 2024, but the grieving woman is desperate for answers now.

Ellie’s pursuit of truth and transparency for her and her close friends, remains a pressing matter.

Southend and Basildon hospital have been contacted for comment.

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