Scottish Government Seeks Public Views On Bill To Transform Police Misconduct

Scottish Government Seeks Public Views On Bill To Transform Police Misconduct

By Tony O’Reilly-

Views are being solicited on a new bill that holds the potential to transform the landscape of police misconduct investigations in Scotland.

The Eye Of Media.Com has been welcome  to participate in the presentation of some of those views following a discussion with representatives of the Scottish Government.

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This publication has campaigned hard for police reform over the past year, achieving breakthrough in some areas of police accountability, most particularly the prosecution of officers found circulating racist messages, who formerly were dealt with the realms of a protracted tribunal inquiry.

The current proposed legislation, known as the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill, is under consideration to strengthen public confidence in policing throughout Scotland and ensure that investigations into officer misconduct are conducted with increased transparency and effectiveness.

The Scottish Criminal Justice Committee, overseeing this pivotal initiative, is determined to address concerns and deliver a more accountable and transparent system for investigating police misconduct. The envisioned changes are set to revamp policing ethics, conduct standards, and scrutiny procedures.

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Key provisions of the bill include:

Statutory Code of Ethics: The bill mandates Police Scotland to establish a statutory code of ethics, reinforcing principles of conduct and introducing a duty of candour.

Enhanced Handling of Police Conduct: The bill introduces modifications to the management of police conduct cases, encompassing procedures pertaining to senior and former officers.

Improved Vetting Procedures: To bolster accountability, the bill establishes a Scottish police barred list and police advisory list. These lists will contain information about officers who are undergoing misconduct disciplinary proceedings or have been dismissed, or would have faced dismissal if they were still in service.

Empowered Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC):

The bill broadens the role of the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner by introducing an advisory board.

These reform proposals stem from recommendations put forth by an independent review of police complaints handling, investigations, and misconduct, which was led by Lady Elish Angiolini.

The comprehensive review sought to address long-standing concerns regarding the investigation process, particularly in cases where officers retired or resigned before facing disciplinary hearings.

Audrey Nicoll MSP, Convener of the Criminal Justice Committee,(PICTURED) expressed the need for these reforms, saying, “For a number of years, concerns have been raised about the process of investigating misconduct allegations about Scotland’s police officers.

In particular, in cases where officers were able to retire or resign before facing disciplinary hearings.

Lady Eilish Angiolini’s review made recommendations aiming to strengthen public confidence in policing in Scotland and improving the transparency and accountability of the complaints process. We want to understand whether this Bill will achieve those aims.”

The committee is actively seeking input from individuals with experience in the complaints process, as well as those working within the policing and broader justice sectors. The goal is to gather diverse perspectives on the bill’s proposals, assess whether they should be further developed, and identify any crucial elements that may be missing from the legislation.

The call for views is open until Friday, December 8, 2023, inviting stakeholders and the public to contribute their insights and opinions to help shape the future of police misconduct investigations in Scotland.

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