Greater Manchester Police Officer Dismissed For Inappropriate WhatsApp messages To Vulnerable Woman

Greater Manchester Police Officer Dismissed For Inappropriate WhatsApp messages To Vulnerable Woman

By Ashley Young-

A Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officer has been dismissed from duty following an accelerated misconduct hearing that revealed grossly inappropriate WhatsApp messages exchanged with a vulnerable woman.

The accelerated misconduct hearing, presided over by Chief Constable Stephen Watson, found PC Whitehead guilty of gross misconduct due to his inappropriate communication with a vulnerable woman, whose identity has been anonymized.

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PC Whitehead had previously created a care plan for the woman who had been reported missing, making his actions even more concerning.

According to the hearing, PC Whitehead exchanged flirtatious WhatsApp messages with the woman in November 2022.

This misconduct was not confined to his work mobile, as the communication transitioned to his personal phone.

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Disturbingly, PC Whitehead asked the woman to delete all the exchanged messages and photos, demonstrating a clear intent to conceal his actions.

Upon feeling threatened,  the woman reported the exchanges to GMP, leading to PC Whitehead’s arrest on November 15. He faced suspicions of misconduct in public office and improper use of police powers and was subsequently suspended from duty.

Julian King, representing PC Whitehead, acknowledged that his client’s actions were “misjudged” , but argued that there was no pursuit of a sexual or romantic relationship, but the findings of the investigation were different.

Chief Constable’s Verdict

Chief Constable Stephen Watson did not mince words when delivering the verdict.

He stated that PC Whitehead’s actions breached the standards of integrity and professional behavior, classifying them as gross misconduct.

While some of the messaging might have pertained to ensuring the safety and well-being of a vulnerable individual, several messages were grossly inappropriate and of a sexual nature.

PC Whitehead’s decision to switch from his police-issued mobile to his personal number was cited as evidence of his awareness that his actions were inappropriate and an abuse of power.

Chief Constable Watson emphasized that PC Whitehead’s conduct fell far below the public’s expectations, deeming it entirely inappropriate and an abuse of power.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) conducted an investigation into PC Whitehead’s conduct following a referral from GMP.

The evidence revealed that PC Whitehead had met the woman during efforts to locate her after she was reported missing. Their communication, which initially began on PC Whitehead’s GMP-issued mobile phone, eventually transitioned to his personal device. What transpired in these exchanges was deeply troubling.

Many of the messages exchanged included flirtatious elements, with PC Whitehead often signing his messages with an ‘x’.

He received inappropriate messages and images but did not discourage them or report the contact to his superiors. PC Whitehead’s comments about the appearance further reflected the inappropriate nature of their exchanges.

The IOPC investigation also revealed PC Whitehead’s attempts to cover up his misconduct. He asked Miss A to delete their conversations, warning her of potential consequences if she failed to comply.

The investigation concluded in May 2023, prompting the IOPC to inform GMP that it had identified “incontrovertible evidence” of PC Whitehead’s gross misconduct.

Despite the evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service decided not  authorize any criminal charges against the officer.

A Damning Verdict and Implications

PC Whitehead’s dismissal from the force and subsequent addition to the College of Policing Barred List will send a clear message to the force that his actions were unacceptable and had no place in policing.

Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Allen of GMP’s Professional Standards Branch expressed his gratitude to the IOPC for its investigation, which provided the necessary evidence for PC Whitehead’s accelerated misconduct hearing.

Det. Chief Supt. Allen emphasized the importance of GMP officers upholding their duty to protect vulnerable individuals and denounced PC Whitehead’s abuse of his privileged position. He stated that PC Whitehead’s actions were an “abuse of power” and “corrupt,” making it fitting that he has been dismissed from the force and barred from working in policing again.

Systemic Police Misconduct In The Force

While PC Whitehead’s case is significant, it is crucial to acknowledge that instances of police misconduct are not isolated.

In recent years, several officers from various police forces across the UK have faced allegations of misconduct, raising concerns about the need for increased oversight and accountability within law enforcement.

One such example is the Greater Manchester Police Force’s struggle with several officers being implicated in misconduct cases.

These incidents undermine public trust in law enforcement agencies and emphasize the need for systemic reforms to prevent such occurrences.

Cases like these continue to highlight the necessity of robust internal investigations and external oversight to ensure that officers who engage in misconduct are swiftly identified and appropriately dealt with.

There has been a growing call for comprehensive reforms in police training and culture to prevent instances of misconduct from occurring in the first place.

Police Commissioner, PC Mark Rowley who says he is on a mission to establish change in the force last week admitted that a cancer still exists in the force that needs to be rooted out.

He has instituted reforms in a bid to root out corruption and misconduct in the police force.

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