Transformative $200m Gift To Newyork Medicine School For Tuition Free Education

Transformative $200m Gift To Newyork Medicine School For Tuition Free Education

By Isabelle Wilson-

A transformative $200 million gift to NYU Long Island School of Medicine will ensure generations of medical students continue to receive a tuition-free, top-quality education focused on primary care.

The brilliant gift from Kenneth and Elaine Langone extends the school’s guarantee of full-tuition scholarships to every student, regardless of need, in perpetuity. Expanding opportunities to future doctors will also help expand access to medical care across Long Island, the entire New York metropolitan area, and beyond.

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Medicine is one of the most sought after degrees in the world, bringing with it a lot of respect.

The school will be renamed NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine in honor of Robert I. Grossman, MD, CEO of NYU Langone Health and dean of the highly-ranked NYU Grossman School of Medicine in Manhattan.

“By providing our future doctors with an affordable education, we are investing in a brighter and healthier future for all, particularly here on Long Island, where Elaine and I grew up,” said Mr. Langone, chair of the NYU Langone Board of Trustees. “Providing a world-class, tuition-free medical education here on Long Island ensures many of these future doctors will remain and practice on Long Island. None of this would have been possible without Bob Grossman’s visionary leadership shaping the future of medicine.”

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The Langones announced the gift and new name at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine’s annual White Coat Ceremony, during which incoming students ascend to the stage where a member of the faculty cloaks them in their white coats for the first time, symbolizing the beginning of their formal medical education.

“This extraordinary gift from Ken and Elaine ensures that, just like today’s entering class, students for generations to come can follow their passion for medicine, regardless of their background and financial status,” Dr. Grossman said. “Our goal has always been to offer exceptional opportunities to the most talented students. The focus on primary care at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine also allows them to meet a critical need in our local communities and have a real impact. I wish each of them great success on the wonderful path they have chosen.”

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