Appalled Italian Public Protest After Italian Judge Rules Groping For 10 Seconds Is Not Assault

Appalled Italian Public Protest After Italian Judge Rules Groping For 10 Seconds Is Not Assault

By Sheila Mckenzie-

Members of the Italian public are appalled after a judge determined that a caretaker hadn’t committed sexual assault because it ‘didn’t last long enough’.

Italian social media users  have been protesting the ridiculous ruling, with many expressing outrage after  a ridiculous judge in an Italian Court said groping had to last 10 seconds to be considered sexual assault.

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Some ladies have filmed themselves groping a part of their body for 10 seconds to show their audience just how long that duration really is.

So far, no media publication has identified the judge in question,

Judges of the fifth criminal section of the Court of Rome said they acquitted the accused, a 66-year-old man according to Italian state broadcaster RAI, of sexual assault because the whole thing lasted “about five to ten seconds.”

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The identity of the judge was oddly not release by the Italian media, but The Eye Of Media is still in the process of identifying the questionable judge to question him further about his ruling.

The ruling is either corrupt or very lousy, and technically makes groping for 10 seconds legal in Italy.

Which means British and other foreign females who travel to Italy should expect to legally be groped by horny and undisciplined perverts who believe they have a legal right to have a feel if it turns them on.

The case is from April 2022 relates to an allegation from a 17-year-old girl at a high school in Rome. The girl was walking up a staircase to attend a class when a school caretaker allegedly pulled her pants down, touched her buttocks and grabbed her underwear.

When she turned around, she saw caretaker Antonio Avola, he said: “Love, you know I was joking.”

After Avola was reported to police, he admitted to groping the student without consent , but claimed it was a joke.

A public prosecutor in Rome asked that Avola be sentenced to three and a half years behind bars, but instead the judge acquitted the caretaker of the crime.

Their reasoning was that the events did ‘not constitute a crime’ because the incident lasted less than 10 seconds.

The student was outraged at the decision, telling Corriere della Sera newspaper: “The judges ruled that he was joking? Well, it was no joke to me.”

“The caretaker came up from behind without saying anything. He put his hands down my trousers and inside my underwear. The student added: “That handful of seconds was more than enough for the caretaker to make me feel his hands on me.”

It is no wonder, palpata breve – a brief groping – has become a trend on Instagram and TikTok in Italy, along with the #10secondi hashtag. Italians have posted videos looking at the camera in silence and touching their intimate parts for 10 seconds straight.

Influencer, Francesco Cicconetti wrote on TikTok: “Who decides that 10 seconds is not a long time? Who times the seconds, while you’re being harassed?

Many internet users sharing videos of themselves looking into the camera and touching themselves for 10 seconds to highlight how long that amount of time really is.

The trend began after a video shared by White Lotus actor, Paolo Camilli, and has been picked up by thousands of people, including famous Italian influencer, Chiara Ferragni, who has 29.4 million followers on Instagram.

Another influencer, Francesco Cicconetti, made their thoughts on the judge’s decision clear as they wrote on TikTok: “Who decides that 10 seconds is not a long time? Who times the seconds, while you’re being harassed?”

“Men don’t have the right to touch women’s bodies, not even for a second – let alone 5 or 10.”

In the wake of the ruling, the student said she feels betrayed by both her school and by the justice system.

“I’m starting to think I was wrong to trust the institutions. This is not justice,” she said.

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