Senior Royals Apparently In Active Talks To Strip Harry And Meghan From Royal Titles

Senior Royals Apparently In Active Talks To Strip Harry And Meghan From Royal Titles

Bu Sheila Mckenzie-

Senior royals are apparently in talks to strip Harry and Meghan Markle from their royal titles, according to  a royal commentator. According to Neil Sean, the  Sussex’s future within the fold is still up in the air.

Harry and Meghan Markle’s visit to the Uk has sparked interest and controversy again , bringing to the surface strong feelings about their departure from the royal family. Anger about their sit down interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021 has not disappeared in every circle, especially because of the world wide interest that arose from the coverage.

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An assessment of The Eye Of Media.Com’s  analytics revealed that articles about the royal family get  one of the largest  percentage of views compared with other stories from readers across the pond in several countries, particularly, America, Australia, Jamaica, Canada, Nigeria, Netherlands, France, Germany, China among others.  Two other online publications that do not want to be named have confirmed that the royal family news attracts a lot of interest from foreign readers.

The affairs of the royal family also arouses a lot of emotions in many groups of people in the Uk like royalists, some ordinary members of the British public, and members of the press, for obvious reasons.  They are our royal family, and so what happens or is known to occur amongst them interests different groups pf people strongly.

Royal commentator, Neil Sean  claimed on his YouTube channel: “Senior members of the British monarchy are looking and talking openly about the removal of their titles, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. This is really stemmed around the fact that Harry and Meghan seemingly don’t want to take part in anything or have any part in British royal life.

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“As Harry famously said he’s now not trapped, he’s free while his father and Prince William are. This has taken an active discussion and it will be done in the usual way.

“I think it will be an open discussion with them as to what they plan to do and why their titles remain important to them. Of course this will go into a discussion again with other senior members and then real factor will kick in. “This is not an overnight thing. I think what’s really happened with their recent return is the fact they darted off without connecting much with their family on both sides.

“The bigger picture when you think about it, it just looks stupid to have two ex-royals halfway around the world using the title the Duke and Duchess of Sussex when clearly it’s the one thing that really hurts them the most – being reminded of their former royal life.”

Sean’s comments featured in the Daily Express will  resonate with many members  of the British public, but there is also the other side of the coin. The fact Prince Harry is royal by blood and that his royalty cannot be defined by the presence or absence of any title. Critics of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to see the couple totally stripped of those titles because of their decision to step away from royal duties, and the  fact they spilled so much beans during their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

One question being examined is whether the push for the couple to be stripped of their titles connected with their step back from royal duties is motivated more by partisanship and bias than it is for what the right process or outcome should be.

Researcher and analyst Amber Smart told The Eye Of Media.Com: ”there are a number of factors to look at here. The fact they have stepped put of the royal family cannot be isolated from the full reasons they did so, and everything must be assessed together.

The fact both of them are in strained relationships from their respective families is not a good look, but even that must be closely and thoroughly examined. Prince Harry’s situation with his family is more complex than Meghan’s situation with her father, and there are many people who feel she should  not lock her father away from her children for so long.

But it is more complicated than that, but I think it needs broad examination by a fair team of experts. We must also question how accurate Mr. Sean’s comments are, and even if accurate, whether its because the royal family are being influenced to consider removing their titles. In a situation with the kind of tension that has occurred in the royal family, with Prince Harry and Meghan, it is really down to the royal family what they decide.  What ever decision they take is down to them”.

Mental health analyst Deon Vernhoven added: ”I think one has to qSee Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Engagement Photos | Vanity Fair

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle                                                                           Image: Alex Lubomirski

question why Sean is making this announcement on his youtube channel, Why not wait for the royal family to actually make the announcement that the couple’s royal title will be stripped? It just appears that certain individual’s are stirring the pot for their own purposes, maybe because they feel Harry and Meghan deserved to be stripped of their titles. If they do, the Queen can decide that, and nobody can question her decision.

Many of these commentators don’t seem to appreciate the potential pressure they add to the mental health of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when they publish things like this which is not backed by evidence, and really is poor quality news. It is the second time in a few days we have seen things like this published’

Only the other day we were talking about an article in the Daily Mirror in which a so-called psychic, Deborah Davies claimed that Princess Anne can see right through Meghan Markle.

‘I actually felt I could see right through Davies, and that what she, as a psychic meant to say was that she could see right through Meghan Markle. I wish as a psychic she would make an open prediction about an event in advance to first confirm her credibility before getting involve in complex matters in the royal family.

Just a simple assessment of the conduct of the personalities involved in these publications are themselves worrying, and provide a glimpse of what could have been occurring on a wider scale to pressure the couple to step back from royal duties. This is not saying that either Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been saints in the whole drama that has gone out of hand, but a lot of people in the media have been stirring the pot and I have been one of those who have long suggested a broad analysis of everything”.

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