Convicted Northampton Criminal Jailed For Third Time In Under 12 Months

Convicted Northampton Criminal Jailed For Third Time In Under 12 Months

By  Tony O’Riley-

A convicted criminal from  Kettering has been locked up for the third time in less than a year after a violent outburst at a shop he was banned from.

Jail bird, Ricky Long,(pictured) was marked down as such a shoplifting risk that he was barred from dozens of shops in Kettering and Corby last year under a criminal behaviour order.

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He was jailed, released and then put back behind bars on recall just two weeks later for breaching the order and threatening to smash a man’s head in.

The  34-year-old, who experts told The Eye Of Media.Com suffers from complex mental health issues, has again been thrown behind bars, after an incident in Kettering on July 25. He was jailed for a total of 14 weeks and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £120.

Long was such a nuisance in the area of Kettering, 83 miles North of London, that  police released Long’s image and asked anyone who saw him flouting the criminal behaviour order to call them.

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The crook was nabbed after he entered Tesco Express in London Road – breaching the criminal behaviour order – before threatening two shop workers with violence.


The homeless man clenched his fists at one and threatened to knock him out.

He proceeded to confront another worker in an aggressive manner, placing his forehead and nose against their forehead and nose. At Northampton Magistrates’ Court, Long admitted charges of assault and failing to comply with a criminal behaviour order, as well as breaching a suspended sentence.

Long is barred from entering retail premises in certain parts of the county, including Kettering’s town centre and the area around Stanier Close off Northfield Avenue.

He is also banned from entering any Co-op in Corby and Kettering, and any BP or Tesco store in Kettering. Experts believe the crook is likely to re-offend immediately he returns to the streets once he is released from prison.

Repeat offenders often are true to type and know no other way of sustaining their livelihoods, apart from stealing on a regular basis. They often steal to support alcohol and drug

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